Bird of the Week: American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

American Robin, Turdus migratorius

American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

So American it would salute the flag if it could

Click here to hear its call

What is more American than the American Robin. Like all Americans, they love grassy areas, especially lawns. Whereas the rest of us use our lawns to have our 4th of July BBQs, these birds use them to probe for worms and beetles.  They are mainly insectivores, but will also eat berries if they are available. You can recognize the bird from its red breast, and you can attract them by placing a bird bath on your lawn with a few big trees.  Robins are unusual in that they raise three broods a year! Unfortunately their chicks tend to have a very low survival rate, with only 25% making it to their first birthday.  Many people think that these birds are only around in the spring, but actually in our area they can be seen all winter too.

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