Jornada Bibliography

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Journal Article
MacKay WP, Blizzard JH, Miller JJ, Whitford WG.  1985.  Analysis of above-ground gallery construction by the subterranean termite Gnathamitermes tubiformans (Isoptera: Termitidae). Environmental Entomology. 14:470-474.
Taylor H.S, MacKay WP, Herrick JE, Guerrero R.A., Whitford WG.  1998.  Comparison of field methods to detect termite activity in the northern Chihuahuan Desert (Isoptera). Sociobiology. 32:1-15.
MacKay WP, Silva S, Whitford WG.  1987.  Diurnal activity patterns and vertical migration in desert soil microarthropods. Pedobiologia. 30:65-71.
MacKay WP, Silva S, Lightfoot DC, Pagani MI, Whitford WG.  1986.  Effect of increased soil moisture and reduced soil temperature on a desert soil arthropod community. The American Midland Naturalist. 116:45-56.
MacKay WP, Fisher F.M, Silva S, Whitford WG.  1987.  The effects of nitrogen, water and sulfur amendments on surface litter decomposition in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 12:223-232.
MacKay WP, Loring S.J, Zak J.C, Silva S, Fisher F.M, Whitford WG.  1994.  Factors affecting loss in mass of creosotebush leaf-litter on the soil surface in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. The Southwestern Naturalist. 39:78-82.
MacKay WP, Zak J.C, Silva S, Whitford WG.  1987.  Gnathamitermes tubiformans (Isoptera: Termitidae), especie clave en el Desierto Chihuahuense. Folia Entomológica Mexicana. 73:29-46.
MacKay WP, Zak J.C, Whitford WG.  1992.  Litter decomposition in Chihuahuan Desert playa. The American Midland Naturalist. 128:84-94.
MacKay WP, Loring S.J, Frost T.M, Whitford WG.  1990.  Population dynamics of a playa community in the Chihuahuan Desert. The Southwestern Naturalist. 35:393-402.
Whitford WG, Steinberger Y, MacKay WP, Parker L.W, Freckman D.W, Wallwork J.A, Weems D.  1986.  Rainfall and decomposition in the Chihuahuan desert. Oecologia. 68:512-515.
Silva S, MacKay WP, Whitford WG.  1985.  The relative contributions of termites and microarthropods to fluff grass litter disappearance in the Chihuahuan Desert. Oecologia. 67:31-34.
MacKay WP, Silva S, Loring S.J, Whitford WG.  1987.  The role of subterranean termites in the decomposition of above ground creosotebush litter. Sociobiology. 13:235-239.
MacKay WP, Whitford WG.  1988.  Spatial variability of termite gallery production in Chihuahuan Desert plant communities. Sociobiology. 14:281-289.
Silva S, MacKay WP, Whitford WG.  1989.  Temporal patterns of microarthropod population densities in fluff grass (Erioneuron pulchellum) litter: relationship to subterranean termites. Pedobiologia. 33:333-338.
Zak J.C, Sinsabaugh R., MacKay WP.  1995.  Windows of opportunity in desert ecosystems: Their implications to fungal community development. Canadian Journal of Botany. 73S:1407-1414.