Jornada Bibliography
The use of variation in the natural abundance of 15N to assess symbiotic nitrogen fixation by woody plants. Stable Isotopes in Ecological Research. Ecological Studies:375-395.
1989. Use of time-series satellite data to identify mesquite response to stress as an indicator of ecosystem health. Wildland Shrub Symposium. :22.
1995. .
1978. .
1926. .
1942. Use of PhenoCam Measurements and Image Analysis to Inform the ALMANAC Process-based Simulation Model. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International. 43(1):120-144.
2021. The use of natural passive methods of dispersing and establishing native plants on arid rangelands. Revegetation and Ecology Session, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service. :7-8.
1993. The use of meal-salt mix for better distribution of cattle. American Cattle Producer. 35:9-11.
1953. Use of low-temperature scanning electron Microscopy to compare and characterize three classes of snow cover. Scanning. 28:191-203.
2006. Use of leader lengths and diameters to estimate production and utilization of Cercocarpus breviflorus. Journal of Range Management. 41:153-155.
1988. The use of ion-exchange resin bags for measuring nutrient availability in an arid ecosystem. Plant and Soil. 105:105-111.
1988. .
1967. The use of heritage cattle breeds as a mitigation strategy for solving new challenges imposed by climate change in Chihuahuan Desert rangelands of the southwestern United States. 5th Rangeland Conference, Rangeland Society of Tanzania. April, 2022, Morogoro, Tanzania .
2022. Use of Goats to Control Salt Cedar. The Nature Park News. 14:3.
2005. .
2005. Use of gene specific primers to identify fungal endophytes of native grasses. Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems Symposium.
2006. Use of fluorometry to differentiate among clipped species in the Genera, Astragalus, Oxytropis and Pleuraphis. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 59:557-563.
2006. Use of floodwater to disperse grass and shrub seeds on native arid lands. Proceedings of the Symposium on Ecology and Management of Riparian Shrub Communities. :167-169.
1992. .
1983. Use of domestic animals as biological control agents of desert shrubs: Problems and promise. 4th Symposium on the Chihuahuan Desert Region: US and Mexico. :11.
1993. Use of an unmanned aerial vehicle-mounted video camera to assess feeding behavior of Raramuri Criollo cows. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 69:386-389.
2016. The use of alternative natural methods of reseeding arid native grasslands. IVth International Rangeland Congress. :No.354.
1991. Use of AIRSAR to identify woody shrub invasion and other indicators of desertification in the Jornada LTER. Summaries of the Fifth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop. 3:31-34.
1995. Use of a UAV-mounted video camera to assess feeding behavior of Raramuri Criollo cows. International Rangeland Congress. :1070-1072.
2016. USDA southwest regional hub for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2014.
2014. USDA Southwest climate hub for climate change. Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW).
2015. Upscaling understanding of nitrogen dynamics associated with overland flow in a semi-arid environment. Biogeochemistry. 82:265-278.
2007. Upper Cenozoic Palomas Formation of south-central New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Guidebook, 37th Field Conference. :239-247.
1986. Unmanned aircraft mission for rangeland remote sensing applications in the US national airspace. Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) Canada Conference.
2009. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rangeland Mapping and Monitoring: A Comparison of Two Systems. ASPRS 2007 Annual Conference. :1-10.
2007. Unmanned aerial vehicles for rangeland mapping and monitoring: a comparison of two systems. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Proceedings. :CDROM.
2007. Unmanned aerial vehicles for hyperspatial remote sensing of rangelands: object-based classification and field validation. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Annual Meeting.
2010. Unmanned aerial vehicle-based remote sensing for rangeland assessment, monitoring, and management. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 3:033542.
2009. Unlocking the sustainable potential of land resources evaluation systems, strategies and tools. :89pp..
2016. Unique characteristics of a systemic fungal endophyte of native grasses and shrubs in arid southwestern rangelands. Wildland Shrub Symposium. :6.
2003. Unique active internal morphology of dark septate fungal endophytes associated with roots of native grasses and shrubs in an arid ecosystem. Third International Conference on Mycorrhizae. :AbstractNo.P1-69.
2001. Understanding vegetation dynamics provides insights to sustainable invasive plant management and remediation strategies. 7th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions (ESA/WSSA Joint Meeting). :68.
2003. Understanding spatial variability in perennial grass restoration following shrub removal in the Chihuahuan Desert: The restore New Mexico collaborative monitoring program. Society for Range Management Meeting. January 28-February 2, 2018
2018. Understanding Interactions Between Autonomous Animal Control and Temperament When Cattle are Subejcted to Virtual Fencing Applications. Horizons in Livestock Sciences Conference. :23.
2005. Understanding global warming impacts to forest and rangeland landscapes with benchmark ecological sites. Geological Society of America. :766-1.
2008. Understanding global desertification: biophysical and socioeconomic dimensions of hydrology. Dryland Ecohydrology. :315-332.
2006. Understanding future threats to western rangelands: Modeling the performance of grazing strategies in the face of environmental change. Western Agriculture Economics Association. 17(1):40-45.
2019. Understanding ecological condition and change on rangelands managed by the Bureau of Land Management: An initial report. Ecological Society of America.
2020. Understanding Collaboration in a Research Network: The Role of Trust. International Association for Society and Natural Resources.
2022. Understanding an ecological system: an example of temporal and spatial variability of Dorymyrmex (Conomyrma) insana in a stressed system. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 3:631-637.
2004. UAS-derived imagery and terrain models for rangeland mapping and monitoring. Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS) Canada Conference.
2009. UAS remote sensing missions for rangeland applications. Geocarto International. 26(2):141-156.
2011. A two-step sampling technique for estimating standing crop of herbaceous vegetation. Journal of Range Management. 35:675-677.
1982. Two-phase pattern in mesquite-herbland vegetation in southwestern New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist. 36:54-59.
1991. A "two-gun" ground sprayer. Weeds. 9:656-657.