The use of salt in range management

TitleThe use of salt in range management
Publication TypeGovernment Report
Year of Publication1926
AuthorsChapline W.R., Talbot M.W.
Series TitleU.S. Department of Agriculture, Department Circular 379
PublisherU.S. Department of Agriculture, Department Circular 379, U.S. Government Printing Office
Keywordsforage maintenance, government publication, grazing, livestock, range management, salt

With an adequate quantity of salt, grazing animals develop better than they would otherwise, are more contented and are more easily handled (fig. 1). Also, proper quantity and distribution of salt on the range go a long way towards controlling livestock grazing and obtaining satisfactory use and maintenance of forage. On western grazing lands, salting is unusually important because the livestock graze under open-range conditions, and the problem of obtaining proper forage use is complicated by considerations of topography, accessibility, watering facilities and other factors affecting distribution of stock. The wide variation in conditions and the lack of well-defined rules have led to greater diversity in the way range salting is done than exists in almost any other practice connected with the range livestock industry. It is the object of this circular to bring together the results of experimental work, careful observations and studies of existing practices and to outline principles of adequate range salting of livestock in the West.
