Jornada Bibliography

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Bowker GE, Gillette D.E, Bergametti G, Marticorena B, Heist DK.  2007.  Sand flux simulations at a small scale over a heterogeneous mesquite area of the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 46:1410-1422.
Branscomb BL.  1958.  Shrub invasion of a southern New Mexico desert grassland range. Journal of Range Management. 11:129-132.
Breshears DD, Mitchell K.A, Allen C.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Gross J.E., Monger CH.  2002.  Scale-dependency of approaches: contrasts and comparisons among ecological disciplines. 87th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :10.
Briggs J.M, Knapp A.K, Archer SR, Bret-Harte M.S., Collins S.L., Ewers B., Peters DC, Young D..  2006.  Shrub encroachment across North America: A multi-site synthesis of patterns, mechanisms, and consequences. 91st Ecological Society of America Meetings. :99.
Briske D.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Stringham T.K., Shaver P.L.  2008.  State-and-transition models: recommendations for resilience-based application. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 61:359-367.
Briske D.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Brown JR.  2014.  Savory’s unsubstantiated claims should not be confused with multipaddock grazing. Rangelands. 36(1):39-42.
Briske D.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Brown JR, Fuhlendorf S., H. Polley W.  2013.  The Savory Method can not green deserts or reverse climate change. Rangelands. 35(5):72-74.
Briske D.D., Zhao M, Han G., Ziu C, Kemp D, Havstad K, Willms W, Kang L, Wang Z, Wu J et al..  2015.  Strategies to alleviate poverty and grassland degradation in Inner Mongolia: Intensification vs production efficiency of livestock. Journal of Environmental Management. 152:177-182.
Brown JR, MacLeod N.  2011.  A site-based approach to delivering rangeland ecosystem services. The Rangeland Journal. 33(2):99-108.
Brown JR.  1994.  State and transition models for rangelands. 2. Ecology as a basis for rangeland management: Performance criteria for testing models.. Tropical Grasslands. 28:206-213.
Brown JR, Archer SR.  1999.  Shrub invasion of grassland: recruitment is continuous and not regulated by herbaceous biomas or density. Ecology. 80:2385-2396.
Browning DM, Crimmins T, James D.K, Spiegal S., Levi M, Anderson JP, Peters DC.  2018.  Synchronous species responses reveal phenological guilds: implications for management. Ecosphere. 9:1-23.
Browning DM, Laliberte AS, Rango A..  2010.  Species–specific contributions to moderate resolution vegetation indices derived from sub-decimeter aerial photography – Prospects for phenological monitoring. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote sensing Proceedings.
Browning DM, Laliberte AS, Rango A., Moreno A..  2010.  Spatial autocorrelation of shrub cover in an arid rangleand ecosystem from 1937-2008. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Browning DM, Franklin J, Archer SR, Gillan JK, D. Guertin P.  2014.  Spatial patterns of grassland-shrubland state transitions: a 74-year record on grazed and protected areas. Ecological. 24(6):1421-1433.
Brunt JW, Conley MR, Cunningham GL.  1988.  Sex in Ephedra trifurca (Ephredraceae) with relation to Chihuahuan Desert habitats. The American Midland Naturalist. 119:137-142.
Brymer ABentley, Toledo DP, Spiegal S., Pierson FB, Clark PE, Wulfhorst J.D.  2020.  Social-Ecological Processes and Impacts Affect Individual and Social Well-Being in a Rural Western U.S. Landscape. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4(Article 38)
Bryson RA, Hayden B, Mitchell V, Webb, III T.  1970.  Some aspects of ecological climatology of the Jornada Experimental Range New Mexico. Simulation and Analysis of Dynamics of a Semi-Desert Grassland: An Interdisciplinary Workshop Program Toward Evaluating the Potential Ecological Impact of Weather Modification. :2-74.
Buck B.J, Monger CH.  1999.  Stable isotopes and soil-geomorphology as indicators of Holocene climate change, northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 43:357-373.
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H. Bulloch, Jr. E, Neher RE.  1980.  Soil Survey of Dona Ana County Area, New Mexico. :177.
N. Burruss D, Peters D.C.P., Huang H, Yao J.  2022.  Simulated distribution of Eragrostis lehmanniana (Lehmann lovegrass): Soil–climate interactions complicate predictions. Ecosphere. 13(3):e3974.
Cai J, Dhital S, Webb N, S. Skiles MK, Naple P, Nauman TW, Duni D, LeGrand S, Letcher TW, Chaney NW.  2022.  Studying the impacts of dust emission and dust deposition on snow over the Upper Colorado River Basin using the WRF-Chem-CTSM coupled framework. AGU22 FALL MEETING.
Campbell R.S..  1929.  Soapweed. New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Agricultural Experiment Station, Press Bulletin 577. :1.
Canfield R.H..  1944.  A short-cut method for checking degree of forage utilization. Journal of Forestry. 42:294-295.
Canfield R.H..  1939.  Semideferred grazing as a restorative measure for black grama ranges. :4.
Canfield R.H..  1934.  Stem structure of grasses on the Jornada Experimental Range. Botanical Gazette. 95:636-648.
Canfield R.H..  1933.  Solid and hollow stemmed grasses of the Jornada Experimental Range. Science. 78(2024):342.
Cepeda-Pizarro J.G, Whitford WG.  1989.  Spatial and temporal variability of higher microarthropod taxa along a transect in a northern Chihuahuan Desert watershed. Pedobiologia. 33:101-111.
Cepeda-Pizarro J.G, Whitford WG.  1989.  Species abundance distribution patterns of microarthropods in surface decomposing leaf-litter and mineral soil on a desert watershed. Pedobiologia. 33:254-268.
Chalcraft DR, Williams JW, Smith M.D, Willig MR.  2004.  Scale dependence in the species-richness-productivity relationship: the role of species turnover. Ecology. 85:2701-2708.
Chappell A., Webb N.  2018.  Significance for dust emission modelling of omitting changing aerodynamic roughness. International Conference on Aeolian Research.
Chappell A., Webb N, Leys J, Waters C, Orgill S, Eyres M.  2019.  Soil Organic Carbon Erosion is Critical for Land Degradation Neutrality. Environmental Science and Policy. 93:43-52.
Chappell A., Webb N, Butler H, Strong C, McTainish G, Leys J, Rossel RAViscarr.  2013.  Soil organic carbon dust emission: an omitted global source of atmospheric CO2. Global Change Biology. 19:3238-3244.
Chavez HB.  1963.  A survey of fleshy fungi in south central New Mexico.
Chopping M., Rango A., Goslee S, Schmugge T.J, Ritchie J.  2002.  Simulation of grassland-shrubland transition zone landscape images at 650nm using a simple BRDF model. Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 6:3561-3563.
Cibils AF, Estell RE, Holechek JL, Anderson D.M..  2013.  Sustainable rangeland-based livestock production: A perspective on USA and global emerging trends. XXIII Reunion Internacional Sobre Produccion de Carne y Leche en Climas Calidos. :79-85.
Cibils AF, Estell RE, Holechek JL, Anderson D.M..  2013.  Sustainable livestock production on rangelands: Emerging trends in the USA. Los Pastizales y el Hombre. :37-43.
Cid M.S., Ferri C.M, Brizuela M.A, Sala O.E.  2008.  Structural heterogeneity and productivity of a tall fescue pasture grazed rotationally by cattle at four stocking densities. Grassland Science. 54:9-16.
Cleland EE, Collins S.L., Dickson TL, Farrer EC, Gross K.L., Gherardi LA, Hallett LM, Hobbs RJ, Hsu JS, Turnbull L et al..  2013.  Sensitivity of grassland plant community composition to spatial vs. temporal variation in precipitation. Ecology. 94(8):1687-1696.
Crawford C.S.  1978.  Seasonal water balance in Orthoporus ornatus, a desert millipede. Ecology. 59:996-1004.
Crist TO.  1998.  The spatial distribution of termite activity in shortgrass steppe: a geostatistical approach. Oecologia. 114:410-416.
Crowl TA, Crist TO, Parmenter R.R, Belovsky G, Lugo AE.  2008.  The spread of invasive species and infectious disease as drivers of ecosystem change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:238-246.
Cunningham GL, Syvertsen J.P, Reynolds J.F, Willson J.M.  1979.  Some effects of soil-moisture availability on above-ground production and reproductive allocation in Larrea tridentata (DC) Cov. Oecologia. 40:113-123.
Cunningham LMichelle.  2008.  Sediment transport & vegetation change: A Study Using Medium-Scale Landscape Units as Indicators of the Influence of a Vegetation Transition on Sediment Production - Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico. :186pp.
Cunningham GL, Reynolds J.F.  1978.  A simulation model of primary production and carbon allocation in the creosotebush (Larrea tridentata [DC.] Cov.). Ecology. 59:37-52.
Czech B., Heitschmidt R., Brown JR, Hild A..  2008.  Sustainable rangeland management, economic growth, and a cautious role for the SRM. Rangelands. 30:33-37.
