Semideferred grazing as a restorative measure for black grama ranges

TitleSemideferred grazing as a restorative measure for black grama ranges
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1939
AuthorsCanfield R.H.
Document NumberResearch Note 80
Date Published1939 (Revised 19
InstitutionUSDA, Forest Service, Southwest Forest and Range Experimental Range Station
Keywordsblack grama, Bouteloua eriopoda, research notes, restoration method, semideferred grazing
AbstractThe Southwestern Forest and Range Experiment Station is engaged in a series of long-time experiments designed to determine the best method of handling each of the important types of range occurring in southern Arizona, New Mexico, and west Texas. Among the native forage plants in this area, probably the one of highest economic value is black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda). As such, it is deserving of particular attention from the standpoint of range management. The purpose of this note is to describe one of the methods that have proven successful by experimentation in the restoration of depleted black grama ranges on the Jornada Experimental Range in southern New Mexico. The pasture in which this experiment was conducted is representative of the black grama type that is commonly spotted with tobosa grass (Hilaria matica) flats on the heavier soils. The black grama areas are not pure stands but contain, in addition to black grama, a mixture of summer palatable grasses. These are principally sand dropseed (Sporobolus spp.) and three-awn grasses (Aristida spp.).