Jornada Bibliography

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Herrick JE, Foladori G., Melgoza A..  2005.  Ecological sustainability in the Chihuahuan Desert: Is rangeland health relevant? Society for Range Management, 58th Annual Meeting and Trade Show. :PaperNo.169.
Herrick JE, Pyke D.A., Shaver P.L, Pellant M., Melgoza A..  2005.  Evaluation of the status of rangeland health: towards the future. Proceedings of the Memoria del II Simposio Internacional de Pastizales. :79.
Herrick JE, Belnap J, Bestelmeyer BT, Bird S.B., Brown JR, Havstad K, Tugel A.J., Van Zee J.  2004.  Experimental definition of resilience for state-and-transition models. 57th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :142.
Herrick JE, Thomas R.B..  2002.  Effects of leaf age on the photosynthetic capacity of sweetgum after 5 years CO2 enrichment. 87th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :363.
Herman P, Provencio KR, Torrez R, Seager GM.  1993.  Effect of water and nitrogen additions on free-living nitrogen fixer populations in desert grass root zones. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 59:3021-3026.
Herbel C.H., Wallace J.D., Finkner M.D., Yarbrough C.C..  1984.  Early weaning and part-year confinement of cattle on arid rangelands of the Southwest. Journal of Range Management. 37:127-130.
Herbel C.H..  1972.  Environmental modification for seedling establishment. Biology and Utilization of Grasses. :101-114.
Hennessy J.T., Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M., Cardenas M.  1984.  The effect of shade and planting depth on the emergence of fourwing saltbush. Journal of Range Management. 37:22-24.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Desperately creative acts. Rangelands. 30:25-28.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: The range problem in New Mexico. Rangelands. 30:56-58.
Havstad K.  2006.  Ecosystem Services from Grazed Rangeland in the Arid and Semi-Arid West. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meetings. :A5.
Havstad K.  2008.  Ecosystem functions of grazing lands. International Community Rangeland Mangement, People and Policy: Introducing Some Key Concepts. :16.
Havstad K.  2006.  Effectiveness of Grazing Systems - A Snythesis of Evidence. Society for Range Management 59th Annual Meeting and Trade Show. :158.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Authentic frontier gibberish. Rangelands. 30
Havstad K.  2006.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Clean and simple, but stupid. Rangelands. 28:22-23.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Creative destruction. Rangelands. :29-32.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: An opinion on policy. Rangelands. 30:42-44.
Havstad K.  2007.  Ecosystem Services from U.S. Rangelands: A Synthesis. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts.
Havstad K.  2010.  Essays of a Peripheral Mind: Invasions of the landscape snatchers. Rangelands. 32:52.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Faith. Rangelands. 29:59-60.
Havstad K.  2010.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Wyatt Earp, T.rex, and other dinosaurs. Rangelands. 31:39-40.
Havstad K.  2007.  Ecosystem services to and from North American arid grasslands. IV Simposium Internacional de Pastezales. :1.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Art and Science. Rangelands. 29:36-38.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Speaking other languages. Rangelands. 29:65-66.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Framing a story. Rangelands.
Havstad K.  2009.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Picking up rocks. Rangelands. 31:36-39.
Havstad K, Peters DC, Skaggs R.K, Brown JR, Bestelmeyer BT, Fredrickson E.L., Herrick JE, Wright J..  2007.  Ecological Services to and from rangelands of the United States. Ecological Economics. 64:261-268.
Havstad K.  2007.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Nei4 Meng2gu3, Zhong1 Guo2. Rangelands. 29:43-46.
Hartley AE, Schlesinger W.H.  2000.  Environmental controls on nitric oxide emission from northern Chihuahuan desert soils. Biogeochemistry. 50:279-300.
Hartley AE.  1997.  Environmental controls on nitrogen cycling in northern Chihuahuan Desert soils. :149.
F. Harrington E.  1956.  Effects of various environmental factors on the occurrence of cancer eye in Hereford cattle. :18.
Gutschick V.P, BassiriRad H..  2003.  Extreme events as shaping physiology, ecology, and evolution of plants: toward a unified definition and evaluation of their consequences. New Phytologist. 160:21-42.
Gutierrez JR.  1984.  Ephemeral plant responses to termites, water and nitrogen in a Chihuahuan Desert. :102.
Gutierrez JR, Da Silva OA, Pagani MI, Weems D, Whitford WG.  1988.  Effects of different patterns of supplemental water and nitrogen fertilization on productivity and composition of Chihuahuan Desert annual plants. The American Midland Naturalist. 119:336-343.
Gutierrez JR, Whitford WG.  1989.  Effect of eliminating subterranean termites on the growth of creosotebush, Larrea tridentata. The Southwestern Naturalist. 34:549-551.
Gould W.L, Herbel C.H..  1969.  Evaluation of aerial treatments for the control of creosotebush (Larrea tridentata). Research Progress Report, Western Society of Weed Science. :27-28.
Gould W.L, Herbel C.H..  1969.  Evaluation of herbicide treatments for the control of creosotebush (Larrea tridentata). Research Progress Report, Western Society of Weed Science. :26-27.
Ginzburg O., Whitford WG, Steinberger Y.  2008.  Effects of harvester ant (Messor spp.) activity on soil properties and microbial communities in a Negev Desert ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils. :165-173.
Gillette D.E, Monger CH.  2006.  Eolian processes across the Jornada basin. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem. The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :189-210.
Gill TE, Gillette D.E, Niemeyer T., Winn R..  2002.  Elemental geochemistry of wind-erodible playa sediments, Owens Lake, California. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B.. 189:209-213.
Gile L.H, Hawley J., Grossman R., Ahrens R.J eds., Monger CH, Peterson F.F, Gibbens, Robert P., Lenz J.M., Bestelmeyer BT, Nolen B..  2002.  An extract from a 50th annimversary guidebook for the Desert Project (manuscript in preparation). :207pp.
Gibbens, Robert P..  1988.  The effect of precipitation patterns on the phenology of Sprobolus flexuosus. 41st Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :209.
Gherardi LA, Sala O.E.  2015.  Enhanced interannual precipitation variability increases plant functional diversity that in turn ameliorates negative impact on productivity. Ecology Letters. 18(12):1293-1300.
Gherardi LA, Sala O.E.  2015.  Enhanced precipitation variability decreases grass- and increases shrub-productivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(41):12735-12740.
Gherardi LA, Sala O.E, Peters DC.  2020.  Effects of contrasting rooting distribution patterns on plant transpiration along a precipitation gradient. Ecological Society of America.
Gherardi LA, Sala O.E, Peters DC.  2016.  Effects of contrasting rooting distribution patterns on plant transpiration along a precipitation gradient. Ecological Society of America.
Galloza M, Webb N, Zobeck TM, Herrick JE.  2015.   Evaluating soil erodibility dynamics to improve estimates of wind erosion in drylands . 18th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference.
