Jornada Bibliography

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Parker E..  1963.  Estimating grass herbage production on desert plains grassland range. :37.
Parker L.W, Ryder-White J., Thomas S., Whitford WG.  1985.  Effects of oxamyl and chlordane on the activities of nontarget soil organisms. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 1:141-148.
Parker L.W, Freckman D.W, Steinberger Y, Driggers L., Whitford WG.  1984.  Effects of simulated rainfall and litter quantities on desert soil biota: soil respiration, microflora and protozoa. Pedobiologia. 27:185-195.
Parker L.W, Fowler HG, Ettershank G, Whitford WG.  1982.  The effects of subterranean termite removal on desert soil nitrogen and ephemeral flora. Journal of Arid Environments. 5:53-59.
H. Peinetti R, Fernandez G., Kin A., Morici E..  2007.  Ecology and management of savannas and semi-deserts of central Argentina. Society for Range Mangement, 60th Annual Meeting and Trade Show.
Peters DC.  2021.  Ecological theory and practice in arid and semiarid ecosystems: a tale of two LTER sites. 59:151-180.
Peters DC.  2008.  Ecology in a connect world: A vision for a "network of networks". Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:227.
Peters DC.  2015.  Ecological challenges posed by climate uncertainty. The Economic and Financial Risks of a Changing Climate; Insights from Leading Experts. :8.
Ponce-Campos GE, Moran S., Huete A, Zhang Y, Bresloff C, Huxman T., Eamus D, Bosch DD, Buda AR, Gunter SA et al..  2013.  Ecosystem resilience despite large-scale altered hydroclimatic conditions. Nature. 494:349-352.
Price AHoyt.  1986.  The ecology and evolutionary implications of competition and parthenogenesis in Cnemidophorus. :171.
Privette J.L., Asner G.P., Conel J., Huemmrich K.F., Olson R., Rango A., Rahman A.F., Thome K., Walter-Shea E.A..  2000.  The EOS prototype validation exercise (PROVE) at Jornada: Overview and lessons learned. Remote Sensing of Environment. 74:1-12.
Rango A., Chopping M., Havstad K, Havstad K, Ritchie J, Kustas WP, Schmugge T.J.  2001.  Evaluation of water, energy, and ecosystems in southern New Mexico. American Water Resources Association Annual Conference . :51.
Rango A., Martinec J..  1998.  Effects of global warming on runoff in mountain basins representing different climate zones. Hydrology in a Changing Environment . 1:133-139.
Reitzel J.A..  1982.  The effects of brush control on bird populations in a mesquite community. :55.
Reynolds J.F, Kemp P.R, Tenhunen J.D.  2000.  Effects of long-term rainfall variability on evapotranspiration and soil water distribution in the Chihuahuan Desert: A modeling analysis. Plant Ecology. 150:145-159.
Rice P.M..  1993.  Estimating and modelling stemflow and throughfall on creosote (Larrea tridentata) in an arid environment. :43.
Riggs J.  2008.  Experiments with methods for particle size analysis of gypsic soils. :58.
Rodríguez JKarim Gonz.  1977.  Effects of range supplementation and season on botanical composition of cattle diets. :41.
Rodriguez-Zaragosa S., Whitford WG, Steinberger Y.  2007.  Effects of temporally persistent ant nests of soil protozoan communities and the abundance of morphological types of amoeba. Applied Soil Ecology. 37:81-87.
Rouda R.R.  1988.  Effect of protein supplementation on performance, water intake and travel of beef cattle grazing semidesert rangeland in South-central New Mexico. :136.
Rubio H.O, Wood M.K, Cardenas M, Buchanan B.A.  1992.  The effect of polyacrylamide on grass emergence in south central New Mexico. Journal of Range Management. 45:296-300.
Saha A, Saha G, Cibin R, Spiegal S., Kleinman PJA.  2022.  Evaluation of water quality benefits of manureshed based manure management in the Susquehanna River Basin. Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers International (ASABE).
Sala O.E, Gherardi LA, Peters DC.  2012.  Effects of interannual precipitation variability on ecosystem water balance and its consequences for aboveground net primary production. 97th Ecological Society of America Meeting. OOS 12-6
Sala O.E, Gherardi LA, Peters DC.  2015.  Enhanced precipitation variability effects on water losses and ecosystem functioning: differential response of arid and mesic regions. Climate Change. 131(2):213-227.
Santos PF, Whitford WG.  1981.  The effects of microarthropods on litter decomposition in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem. Ecology. 62:654-663.
Sayre N.F, McAllister RRJ, Bestelmeyer BT, Moritz M, Turner M.G..  2013.  Earth Stewardship of rangelands: coping with ecological, economic, and political marginality. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 11(7):348-354.
Sayre N.F.  2005.  Ecological and geographical scale: Parallels and potential for integration. Progress in Human Geography. 29(3):276-290.
Schmugge T.J, French A.N., Ritchie J, Rango A..  2001.  Estimation of surface emissivity for arid lands. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Hydrology.
Schmugge T.J, French A.N., Ritchie J, Rango A..  2000.  Estimation of surface emissivity for arid lands. International Association of Hydrological Science. IAHS Publication No. 267:168-174.
Schreiner-McGraw A.P, Ajami H, Vivoni E.  2019.  Extreme weather events and transmission losses in arid streams. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8):084002.
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Senock R.S., Barrow J.R., Gibbens, Robert P., Herbel C.H..  1991.  Ecophysiology of the polyploid shrub Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae) growing in situ in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 21:45-57.
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Shupe, W. Larry, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Estell RE.  1993.  Effect of feeding ewe lambs a 15% tarbush pellet pre-and post-weaning on subsequent diet selection of tarbush. 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. :No.131.
Silva S.  1989.  The effects of microarthropods on nitrogen availability within the rhizosphere of Erioneuron pulchellum in a northern Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem. :127.
Sisson W.B..  1986.  Effects of UV-B Radiation on Photosynthesis. NATO Advanced Science Institute Series, Ecological Science. Stratospheric Ozone Reduction, Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and Plant:376pp.
Sisson W.B..  1983.  Effects of UV-B radiation on higher plant photosynthesis. Final Report to the Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D. C., Contract No. 3B0982NAEX. :16.
Sisson W.B..  1982.  Effect of defoliation and ambient temperature on photosynthesis and diurnal root respiration of Kleingrass (Panicum coloratum L.) in the field. 35th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management.
Skaggs R.K, Bestelmeyer BT.  2009.  Exploring the linkages between socio-economic & ecological processes in rangeland landscapes. 62nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :30-2.
Skaggs R.K.  2008.  Ecosystem services and western U.S. rangelands. Choices. 23:37-41.
Snyder K.A, Cable J.M., Huxman T., Maxwell CJ.  2004.  The effects of altered precipitation patterns on ecosystem responses in a desert rangeland. 4th International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies. :79.
Snyder K.A, Donovan L.A., James J., Tiller R.L., Richards J.H.  2004.  Extensive summer water pulses do not necessarily lead to canopy growth of Great Basin and northern Mojave Desert shrubs. Oecologia. 141:325-334.
Snyder K.A, Huxman T., Breshears DD, Wilcox B.P., Small E.E., Scott R.L., Jackson R.B, Hultine K.R..  2003.  An ecohydrological framework for determining the landscape effects of woody plant encroachment. 88th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :314.
