Jornada Bibliography

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Conference Paper
Taylor SD, Browning DM, Baca R.  2021.  What would it take to detect land surface phenology in sparsely vegetated drylands? Ecological Society of American Conference 2021.
Browning DM.  2017.  Watching grass grow: Successes and limitations of image-based methods for monitoring grassland phenology. 12th International Congress of Ecology INTECOL 2017.
Spiegal S., Estell RE, Cibils AF, James D.K, H. Peinetti R, Browning DM, Romig KB, Gonzalez AL, Lyons A, Bestelmeyer BT.  2019.  Trials and tribulations of quantifying hotspots of cattle use in large desert pastures. 72nd Society for Range Management International Meeting.
Browning DM, Laliberte AS, Rango A..  2010.  Species–specific contributions to moderate resolution vegetation indices derived from sub-decimeter aerial photography – Prospects for phenological monitoring. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote sensing Proceedings.
Browning DM, Laliberte AS, Rango A., Herrick JE.  2009.  Prospects of phenological monitoring in an arid southwestern U.S. rangeland using field observations with hyperspatial and moderate resolution imagery. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Browning DM, Campos GPonce, Scott R.L., Peters DC.  2018.  Phenocams bridge the gap between field and satellite observations: Applications from agroecosystems. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology.
Browning DM, Anderson JP, Peters DC.  2011.  Patterns in reproductive phenology for dryland grasses and shrubs from 1993 to 2010 in the Chihuahuan Desert. 96th ESA Annual Meeting, Earth Stewardship: Preserving and enhancing earth's life-support systems.
McCord S, Bestelmeyer BT, Browning DM, Burkett LM, Edwards B, Herrick JE, Kachergis E, Lepak N, Lister L, Metz L et al..  2021.  Participatory research and co-production of knowledge: Building on a century of Jornada experience to expand LTAR outcomes and impacts. LTAR Annual Meeting.
Laliberte AS, Browning DM, Herrick JE, Gronemeyer P.  2010.  Object-based classification of hyperspatial digital mapping camera (DMC) imagery for potential integration into the National Resource Inventory (NRI) of grazing lands. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Annual Meeting.
Steele C, Smith A, Browning DM.  2014.  The NDVI: Back to basics. American Geophysical Union.
Spiegal S., Kleinman PJA, Bryant R, Endale D, Dell C, Yang Q, Flynn CK, Gowda P, Duncan E, Carter J et al..  2019.  Manuresheds: Redesigning crop-livestock agriculture for sustainable intensification. 2019 Annual Meeting of the US Regional Association of the ​International Association for Landscape Ecology.
Browning DM, Franklin J, Archer SR.  2009.  Grazing effect on woody plant recruitment in a Sonoran Desert grassland across space and time. US International Association for Landscape Ecology.
Bestelmeyer BT, Skaggs R.K, Browning DM, Williamson JC, Wojan C.  2015.  Geography as destiny? Social and ecological resilience in rangelands of the American southwest 100th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America.
Browning DM, Stanish LF, Salley S.W, Kinsbury D, Hoover DL.  2021.  An evaluation of soil heterogeneity and representativeness within and across sites in the NEON network. ESA - August 2021 meeting -Virtual.
Archer SR, Throop HL, Browning DM, Predick K..  2009.  Does woody plant encroachment increase ecosystem carbon stocks? Ecological Society of America 94th Annual Meeting. :PS46-59.
Browning DM, Archer SR, Franklin J, Guertin D.P.  2009.  Does livestock grazing influence spatial patterns of woody plant proliferation? Ecological Society of America Abstracts. :COS127-10.
Maynard J, Karl JW, Browning DM.  2015.  Detecting long-term vegetation change in an arid rangeland ecosystem: Investigating effects of spatial image support within satellite time-series. 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management.
Taylor SD, Browning DM.  2022.  Deep learning models for identifying cropland attributes from near surface cameras. Biogeosciences.
Browning DM, Taylor SD.  2020.  Climate and phenology network synergies for sustainable agriculture. Ecological Society of America.
Rango A., Laliberte AS, Winters C, Steele C, Browning DM.  2010.  Change detection using 75-year aerial photo and satellite data sets, inexpensive means to obtain 6 cm resolution data, and developing opportunities for community-oriented remote sensing through photography. 2010 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Spiegal S., Estell RE, Cibils AF, Browning DM, H. Peinetti R, James D.K, Romig KB, Gonzalez AL.  2016.  Can foraging behavior of Criollo cattle help increase agricultural production and reduce environmental impacts in the arid Southwest? Ecological Society of America.
Browning DM, Rango A., Anderson JP, Peters DC.  2010.  Bridging field observations and remotely sensed assessments of land surface phenology in the arid southwestern U.S.. 95th Ecological Society of America.
