Jornada Bibliography

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Herbel C.H., Gile L.H, Fredrickson E.L., Gibbens, Robert P..  1994.  Soil water and soils at soil water sites, Jornada Experimental Range. Supplement to The Desert Project Soil Monograph, Soil and Landscapes of a Desert Region Astride the Rio Grande Valley Near Las Cruces, New Mexico, Vol. 1. Soil Survey Investigations Report 44:iii-592.
Herbel C.H., Gibbens, Robert P..  1996.  Post-drought vegetation dynamics on arid rangelands in southern New Mexico. New Mexico Agriculture Experimental Station Bulletin 776. :102pp.
Journal Article
Hennessy J.T., Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M., Cardenas M.  1983.  Water properties of caliche. Journal of Range Management. 36:723-726.
Gibbens, Robert P., McNeely R.P., Havstad K, Beck RF, Nolen B..  2005.  Vegetation changes in the Jornada Basin from 1858 to 1998. Journal of Arid Environments. 61:651-668.
Hennessy J.T., Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M., Cardenas M.  1983.  Vegetation changes from 1935 to 1980 in mesquite dunelands and former grasslands of southern New Mexico. Journal of Range Management. 36:370-374.
Dugas W.A., Hicks R.A., Gibbens, Robert P..  1996.  Structure and function of C3 and C4 Chihuahuan Desert plant communities. Energy balance components. Journal of Arid Environments. 34:63-79.
Gibbens, Robert P., Hicks R.A., Dugas W.A..  1996.  Structure and function of C3 and C4 Chihuahuan Desert plant communities: Standing crop and leaf area index. Journal of Arid Environments. 34:47-62.
Gibbens, Robert P., Herbel C.H., Morton H.L., Lindemann W.C, Ryder-White J., Richman D., Huddleston E.W., Conley W.H., Davis C.A., Reitzel J.A. et al..  1986.  Some Impacts of 2, 4, 5-T on a mesquite duneland ecosystem in southern New Mexico: A synthesis. Journal of Range Management. 39:320-326.
Gibbens, Robert P..  1991.  Some effects of precipitation patterns on mesa dropseed phenology. Journal of Range Management. 44:86-90.
Gile L.H, Gibbens, Robert P., Lenz J.M..  1995.  Soils and sediments associated with remarkable, deeply penetrating roots of crucifiction thorn (Koeberlinia spinosa Zucc.). Journal of Arid Environments. 31:137-151.
Gile L.H, Gibbens, Robert P., Lenz J.M..  1998.  Soil-induced variability in root systems of creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) and tarbush (Flourensia cernua). Journal of Arid Environments. 39:57-78.
Herbel C.H., Gibbens, Robert P..  1987.  Soil water regimes of loamy sands and sandy loams on arid rangelands of southern New Mexico. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 42:442-447.
Hennessy J.T., Kies B., Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M..  1986.  Soil sorting by forty-five years of wind erosion on a southern New Mexico range. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 59:391-394.
Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M., Hennessy J.T., Cardenas M.  1983.  Soil movement in mesquite dunelands and former grasslands of southern New Mexico from 1933 to 1980. Journal of Range Management. 36:145-148.
Gibbens, Robert P., Lenz J.M..  2001.  Root systems of some Chihuahuan Desert plants. Journal of Arid Environments. 49:221-263.
Gibbens, Robert P..  1994.  Root systems of desert plants. Sonorensis. 14:4,5&19.
Rango A., Goslee S, Herrick JE, Chopping M., Havstad K, Huenneke L., Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF, McNeely R.P..  2002.  Remote sensing documentation of historic rangeland remediation treatments in southern New Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments. 50:549-572.
Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF, McNeely R.P., Herbel C.H..  1992.  Recent rates of mesquite establishment in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Range Management. 45:585-588.
Walton M., Herrick JE, Gibbens, Robert P., Remmenga M.D..  2001.  Persistence of municipal biosolids in a Chihuahuan Desert rangeland 18 years after application. Arid Land Research and Management. 15:223-232.
Walton M., Herrick JE, Gibbens, Robert P., Remmenga M.D..  2001.  Persistence of biosolids in a Chihuahuan Desert rangeland 18 years after application. Arid Land Research and Management. 15:223-232.
Gile L.H, Gibbens, Robert P., Lenz J.M..  1997.  The near-ubiquitous pedogenic world of mesquite roots in an arid basin floor. Journal of Arid Environment. 35:39-58.
Yao J, Peters DC, Havstad K, Gibbens, Robert P., Herrick JE.  2006.  Multi-scale factors and long-term responses of Chihuahuan Desert grasses to drought. Landscape Ecology. 21:1217-1231.
Hennessy J.T., Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M., Cardenas M.  1985.  Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) dunes and interdunes in southern New Mexico: A study of soil properties and soil water relations. Journal of Arid Environments. 9:27-38.
Herbel C.H., Gibbens, Robert P..  1989.  Matric potential of clay loam soils on arid rangeland in southern New Mexico. Journal of Range Management. 42:386-392.
Havstad K, Gibbens, Robert P., Knorr C.A., Murray L.W.  1999.  Long-term influences of shrub removal and lagomorph exclusion on Chihuahuan Desert vegetation dynamics. Journal of Arid Environments. 42:155-166.
Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF.  1987.  Increase in number of dominant plants and dominance-classes on a grassland in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Range Management. 40:136-139.
Herbel C.H., Gould W.L, Leifeste WL, Gibbens, Robert P..  1983.  Herbicide treatment and vegetation response to treatment of mesquites in southern New Mexico. Journal of Range Management. 36:149-151.
Gibbens, Robert P., Herbel C.H., Lenz J.M..  1987.  Field-scale tebuthiuron application on brush-infested rangeland. Weed Technology. 1:323-327.
Hennessy J.T., Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M., Cardenas M.  1984.  The effect of shade and planting depth on the emergence of fourwing saltbush. Journal of Range Management. 37:22-24.
Senock R.S., Barrow J.R., Gibbens, Robert P., Herbel C.H..  1991.  Ecophysiology of the polyploid shrub Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae) growing in situ in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 21:45-57.
Hyder P.W., Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE, Tellez M.R., Gibbens, Robert P..  2002.  Distribution and concentration of total phenolics, condensed tannins, and nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) in creosotebush (Larrea tridentata). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 30:905-912.
Gibbens, Robert P., Billheimer D.D., Havstad K, Herbel C.H..  1993.  Creosotebush vegetation after 50 years of lagomorph exclusion. Oecologia. 94:210-217.
Herbel C.H., Morton H.L., Gibbens, Robert P..  1985.  Controlling shrubs in the arid Southwest with tebuthiuron. Journal of Range Management. 38:391-394.
Gibbens, Robert P., Beck RF.  1988.  Changes in grass basal area and forb densities over a 64-year period on grassland types of the Jornada Experimental Range. Journal of Range Management. 41:186-192.
Gibbens, Robert P., Bilan T.N..  1981.  The binary search for accuracy in plant symbols. Journal of Range Management. 34:239.
Conference Proceedings
Tromble J.M., Gibbens, Robert P..  1977.  Water management on a semiarid native rangeland in the Southwest. 13th Annual Water Resources Association Conference. :1071.
Barrow J.R., Havstad K, Gibbens, Robert P..  1991.  The use of alternative natural methods of reseeding arid native grasslands. IVth International Rangeland Congress. :No.354.
Nichols M.H, Lane L.J., Gibbens, Robert P..  1996.  Time series analysis of data from raingage networks in the Southwest. Wildland Shrub Symposium, Proceedings: Shrubland Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Environment. General Technical Report INT-GTR-338:43-47.
Pieper, Rex D., Beck RF, Gibbens, Robert P., Donart G.B..  1993.  Sustainable livestock grazing in New Mexico. Journal of Proceedings: New Mexico Conference on the Environment. 2:847-854.
Estell RE, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., de Soyza A.G., Fredrickson E.L., Gibbens, Robert P., Havstad K, Herrick JE, Tellez M.R., Whitford WG.  1998.  Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs Cattle Growers' Short Course.
Estell RE, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., de Soyza A.G., Fredrickson E.L., Gibbens, Robert P., Havstad K, Herrick JE, Tellez M.R., Whitford WG.  1997.  Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs Cattle Growers' Short Course.
Havstad K, Anderson D.M., Barrow J.R., Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Gibbens, Robert P., Herrick JE, Whitford WG.  1995.  Rangeland research in the Chihuahuan Desert. New Mexico Livestock Research Briefs Cattle Growers' Short Course.
Herbel C.H., Gibbens, Robert P..  1981.  Range research in New Mexico by ARS. Proceedings of the United States/Mexico Range Management Workshop, New Mexico State University. :52-56.
Beck RF, McNeely R.P., Gibbens, Robert P..  1999.  Mesquite-grassland ecotones in the Chihuahuan Desert. Proceedings: Shrubland Ecotones. RMRS-P-11:84-87.
Gibbens, Robert P..  1983.  The Jornada Experimental Range Biosphere Reserve. Proceedings of the Wildlife and Range Research Needs in Northern Mexico and Southwestern United States Workshop. :45-47.
Herbel C.H., Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M..  1977.  Improving production from arid rangelands of the southwestern United States. Proceedings of the 13th International Grassland Congress. :625-628.
Rango A., Snyder K.A, Herrick JE, Havstad K, Gibbens, Robert P., Wainwright J, Parsons T..  2003.  Historical and current hydrological research at the USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range in southern New Mexico. First Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds. 1:302-308.
Gibbens, Robert P..  1983.  Grass and forb production on sprayed and nonsprayed mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) dunes and interdunes in south-central New Mexico. Proceedings of the XV International Grassland Congress. :437-440.
