Improving production from arid rangelands of the southwestern United States

TitleImproving production from arid rangelands of the southwestern United States
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsHerbel C.H., Gibbens, Robert P., Tromble J.M.
Conference NameProceedings of the 13th International Grassland Congress
Date Published1977
Conference LocationLeipzig, GDR
Keywordsaerial spraying, arid rangelands, crossbreeding, improving production, Southwest
AbstractThree methods of several possibilities are discussed for improving production from arid rangelands. Sandy lands infested with mesquite can be improved by aerially spraying with 2,6,5-T. Natural recovery of perennial grasses, primarily mesa dropseed, following spraying resulted in 204 kg/ha herbage compared to 33 kg/ha on the adjacent unsprayed area. An area infested with creosotebush was root-plowed and seeded. Herbage production in 1975 was 1,631 kg/ha, primarily Lehmann and Boer lovegrass. Cattle production was increased by crossbreeding Herefords with either Brangus or Santa Gertrudis. The weaning weights of Santa Gertrudis calves were heavier than calves from the other two breeds, but the conception rate was higher for the Brangus cows. Calf production per cow was about 50% greater from the crossbred dams than from the Hereford dams.