Jornada Bibliography

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Michaelides K, Lister D, Wainwright J, Parsons A.J..  2009.  Vegetation controls on small-scale runoff and erosion dynamics in a degrading dryland environment. Hydrological Processes. 23:1617-1630.
Michalek J.L, Colwell J.E, Roller N.EG, Miller N.A, Kasischke E.S, Schlesinger W.H.  2001.  Satellite measurements of albedo and radiant temperature from semi-desert grassland along the Arizona/Sonora border. Climatic Change. 48:417.
Mielnick P., Dugas W.A., Mitchell K.A, Havstad K.  2004.  Long-term measurements of CO2 flux and evapotranspiration in a Chihuahuan desert grassland. Journal of Arid Environments. 60:423-436.
Miles NJo.  1979.  Host specificity in the Yucca moth, Tegeticula yuccasella complex (Lepidoptera: Incurvariidae): A morphometric approach. :48.
Miles NJo.  1980.  Overwintering larvae associated with the stalks of Yucca baccata, Yucca elata and Yucca torreyi in Dona Ana County, New Mexico. <i>Yucca</i>. :83-90.
Miller RF, Donart G.B..  1979.  Response of Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr. and Sporobolus flexuosus (Thurb.) Rybd. to season of defoliation. Journal of Range Management. 32:63-67.
Miller RF.  1976.  Response of five southwestern range plants to season of defoliation. :104.
Miller RF, Donart G.B..  1981.  Response of Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn. to season of defoliation. Journal of Range Management. 34:91-94.
Miller RE, Huenneke L..  1996.  Size decline in Larrea tridentata (creosotebush). The Southwestern Naturalist. 41:248-250.
Miller M., Garman S.L, Lauver C.L., Belnap J, Allen C.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Herrick JE, Pyke D.A., Okin GS, Munson SM.  2009.  Preventing regime shifts on the Colorado Plateau: Application of ecological theshold concepts to land management decision making. Ecological Society of America Abstracts. :PS48-80.
Miller J.R., Bestelmeyer BT.  2017.  What the novel ecosystem concept provides: A reply to Kattan et al.. Restoration Ecology. 25:488-490.
Miller RE, Huenneke L..  2000.  The relationship between density and demographic variation within a population of Larrea tridentata. The Southwestern Naturalist. 45:313-321.
Miller RE, Huenneke L..  2000.  Demographic variation in a desert shrub, Larrea tridentata, in response to a thinning treatment. Journal of Arid Environments. 45:315-323.
Miller MMatilda.  1983.  An analysis of activity patterns in the grasshopper mouse (Onychomys leucogaster): Abiotic factors as predictive variables. :24.
Milne E, Aynekulu E., Bationo A., Batjes NH, Boone R.D, Conant R., Davis J., Hanan N, Hoag D., Herrick JE et al..  2016.  Grazing lands in Sub-Saharan Africa and their potential role in climate change mitigation: What we do and don’t know. Environmental Development. 19:70-74.
Milne BT.  1992.  Spatial aggregation and neutral models in fractal landscapes. The American Naturalist. 139:32-57.
Miner J.L., Petersen M.K., Havstad K, McInerney M.J., Bellows R.A..  1990.  The effects of ruminal escape protein or fat on nutritional status of pregnant winter-grazing beef cows. Journal of Animal Science. 68:1743-1750.
Minivielle F., Marticorena G., Gillette D.E, Lawson, Jr. RE, Thompson RS, Bergametti G.  2003.  Relationship between the aerodynamic roughness length and the roughness density for low roughness density. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 3:249-267.
Minnick T.J., Coffin D.P..  1999.  Geographic patterns of simulated establishment of two Bouteloua species: Implications for distributions of dominants and ecotones. Journal of Vegetation Science. 10:343-356.
Minor T., Lancaster J., Wade T., Wickham JD, Wickham JD.  1999.  Evaluating Change in Rangeland Condition using Multitemporal AVHRR Data and Geographic Information System Analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 59(2):211–223.
Mitchell K.A, Breshears DD, Allen C.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Gross J.E..  2002.  Comparing and contrasting scaling approaches across ecological disciplines: case studies of vegetation, biogeochemical and animal dynamics. 17th Annual Symposium, US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. :88-89.
Mitchell K.A, Peters DC, Monger CH, Herrick JE.  2002.  Long-term changes in carbon pools accompanying shrub invasion of a desert grassland: the Jornada Experimental Range, 1850-today. 87th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :215.
Mitchell K.A, Peters DC, Monger CH, Herrick JE.  2002.  Quantifying changes in carbon pools accompanying shrub invasion of a desert grassland. 17th Annual Symposium, International Association for Landscape Ecology. :110.
Mitchell K.A, Monger CH, Herrick JE, Peters DC.  2003.  Simulation modelling of soil inorganic carbon in arid environments. 88th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America. :238.
Mofarreh MMogbel.  1989.  A comparison of three different techniques for determining diet composition. :51.
Mohammad AGhaleb.  1992.  Effects of sex, genetic potential, and season on botanical composition of cattle diets. :88.
Molinero HBruno.  1983.  Examination of field techniques for the estimation of above ground biomass on five Chihuahuan Desert shrub species. :27.
Monger CH, Herrick JE.  1998.  Managing rangeland soils for C sequestration. Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy. :265-266.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA.  1991.  Neoformation of palygorskite in a southern New Mexico aridisol. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55:1646-1650.
Monger CH.  1995.  Pedology in arid lands archaeological research: An example from southern New Mexico--Western Texas. Pedological perspectives in archaeological research. Special Publication 44:35-50.
Monger CH, Gallegos R.A.  2002.  Biotic and abiotic processes and rates of pedogenic carbonate accumulation in the southwestern United States: Relationship to atmospheric CO2 sequestration. Global climate change and pedogenic carbonates. :273-289.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA, Lindemann W.C, Liddell CM.  1991.  Microbial precipitation of pedogenic calcite. Geology. 19:997-1000.
Monger CH.  2002.  Arid Soils. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. :84-88.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA, Gile L.H.  1991.  A microscopic examination of pedogenic calcite in an aridisol of southern New Mexico. :37-60.
Monger CH, Gillette D.E, Bestelmeyer BT.  2004.  Broad-scale landscape, soil, and wind influences on fine-scale dynamics. Sixth Symposium on the Natural Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region. :35.
Monger CH, Wilding LP.  2002.  Soil inorganic carbon: composition and formation. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. :701-705.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA.  1991.  Pressure solution: possible mechanism for silicate grain dissolution in a petrocalcic horizon. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55:1625-1629.
Monger CH, Kelley EF.  2002.  Silica minerals. Soil Minerology with Environmental Applications. :611-636.
Monger CH, Laney K, Fredrickson E.L..  2010.  In search of "Organ III" strata-a sedimentary record of the Medieval Warm Period (ca. AD 900 to 1300). 16th Biennial Mogollon Archeology Conference.
Monger CH.  2003.  Millennial-scale climate variability and ecosystem response at the Jornada LTER site. Climate variability and ecosystem response at long-term ecological research sites. :341-369.
Monger CH.  1993.  Soil-geomorphic and Paleoclimatic Characteristics of the Fort Bliss Maneveur Areas, Southern New Mexico and Western Texas.
Monger CH, Mack GH, Nolen B., Gile L.H.  2006.  Regional Setting of the Jornada Basin. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem. The Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :15-43.
Monger CH, Sala O.E, Duni D, Goldfus H, Meir IA, Poch RM, Throop HL, Vivoni E.  2015.  Legacy effects in linked ecological–soil– geomorphic systems of drylands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13(1):13-19.
Monger CH, Martinez-Rios J..  2001.  Inorganic carbon sequestration in grazing lands. The potential of U.S. grazing lands to sequester carbon and mitigate the greenhouse effect. :87-118.
Monger CH, Bestelmeyer BT.  2006.  The Soil-geomorphic template and biotic change in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Journal of Arid Environments. 65:207-218.
Monger CH, Lynn W.C.  1996.  Clay mineralogy at the Desert Project and the Rincon surface study area. :155.
Monger CH, Martinez-Rios J., Gallegos R.A.  2001.  Carbon sequestration and global warming. Memoria de la XII Semana Internacional de Agronomia.
Monger CH.  2006.  Soil Development in the Jornada Basin. Structure and Function of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem. The Jronada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research Site. :81-106.
Monger CH, Huenneke L., Havstad K.  1997.  Geomorphic-vegetation relationships in the Jornada Basin, southern New Mexico. International Symposium and Workshop Combating Desertification: Connecting Science with Community Action. :Abstract20.
Monger CH, Bestelmeyer BT.  2005.  Soil Geomorphic Change During Desertification. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meetings. :200-5.
