Jornada Bibliography

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Briske D.D., Bestelmeyer BT, Stringham T.K., Shaver P.L.  2008.  State-and-transition models: recommendations for resilience-based application. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 61:359-367.
Brown JR.  2008.  Carbon sequestration and sink resources in grazed lands. International Rangleand Congress. :240-247.
Brown JR, Thorpe J..  2008.  Climate change and rangelands: Responding rationally to uncertainty. Rangelands. 30:3-6.
Brown JR, Sampson N..  2008.  Integrating terrestrail sequestration into a national greenhouse gas management program. American Geophysical Union.
Brown JR, Bestelmeyer BT, Havstad K.  2008.  Rangeland ecology and management in a changing world. XXI International Grassland Congress; VIII International Rangeland Congress. 1:41-45.
Brown JR, Thorpe J..  2008.  Rangelands and climate change: A synthesis and challenges. Rangelands. 30:52-53.
Brown JR, Bestelmeyer BT.  2008.  Resolving critical issues for the development of ecological site descriptions: Summary of a symposium. Rangelands. 30(4):16-18.
Casanova L.R., Bestelmeyer BT.  2008.  What can ant diversity-energy relationships tell us about land use and land change (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)? Myremecological News. 11:183-190.
Chopping M., Moisen G., Su L., Laliberte AS, Rango A., Martonchik J.V, Peters DC.  2008.  Large area mapping of southwestern forest crown cover, canopy height, and biomass using the NASA Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112:2051-2063.
Chopping M., Su L., Rango A., Martonchik J.V, Peters DC, Laliberte AS.  2008.  Remote sensing of woody shrub cover in desert grasslands using MISR with a geometric-optical canopy reflectance model. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112:19-34.
Chopping M., Martonchik J.V, Bull M, Rango A., Schaaf C., Zhao F., Want Z..  2008.  Vegetation canopy structure from NASA EOS multiangle imaging. AGU 2008 Fall meeting. :B33D-04.
Cid M.S., Ferri C.M, Brizuela M.A, Sala O.E.  2008.  Structural heterogeneity and productivity of a tall fescue pasture grazed rotationally by cattle at four stocking densities. Grassland Science. 54:9-16.
Cipriotti P.A, Flombaum P., Sala O.E, Aguiar M..  2008.  Does drought control emergence and survival of grass seedlings in semi-arid rangelands? An example with a Patagonian species Journal of Arid Environments. 72:161-174.
Courtright E, Herrick JE, Bestelmeyer BT, Burkett LM.  2008.  Customizable tool for ecological data entry, assessment, monitoring, and interpretation. 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :66-136.
Crowl TA, Crist TO, Parmenter R.R, Belovsky G, Lugo AE.  2008.  The spread of invasive species and infectious disease as drivers of ecosystem change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:238-246.
Cruz J.  2008.  Bioclimatic changes recorded in Holocene soils at the Jornada Basin LTER site and Lincoln National Forest, southern New Mexico. :67.
Cunningham LMichelle.  2008.  Sediment transport & vegetation change: A Study Using Medium-Scale Landscape Units as Indicators of the Influence of a Vegetation Transition on Sediment Production - Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico. :186pp.
Czech B., Heitschmidt R., Brown JR, Hild A..  2008.  Sustainable rangeland management, economic growth, and a cautious role for the SRM. Rangelands. 30:33-37.
Damdinsuren G., Herrick JE, Pyke D.A., Bestelmeyer BT, Havstad K.  2008.  Is rangeland health relevant to Mongolia? Rangelands. 30:25-29.
DeSteiguer J.E., Brown JR, Thorpe J..  2008.  Contributing to the mitigation of climate change using rangeland management. Rangelands. 30:7-11.
DeWalle D., Rango A..  2008.  Ground-based snowfall and snowpack measurements. Principles of Snow Hydrology. :76-117.
DeWalle D., Rango A..  2008.  Modeling Snowmelt Runoff. Principles in Snow Hydrology. :266-305.
DeWalle D., Rango A..  2008.  Principles of Snow Hydrology. Principles of Snow Hydrology. :410.
DeWalle D., Rango A..  2008.  Snowfall, snowpack and meltwater chemistry. Principles of Snow Hydrology. :211-234.
DeWalle D., Rango A..  2008.  Snowmelt Runoff. Principles of Snow Hydrology. :235-265.
DeWalle D., Rango A..  2008.  Snowpack Condition. Principles of Snow Hydrology. :48-75.
DeWalle D., Rango A..  2008.  Snowpack Energy Exchange: Basic Theory. Principle of Snow Hydrology. :146-181.
DeWalle D., Rango A..  2008.  Snowpack energy exchange: Topographic and forest effects. Principles of Snow Hydrology. :182-210.
Duni D, Herrick JE.  2008.  Assessing resilience of western rangelands to transportation-related land-use change. Geological Society of America. :51-10.
Duval B.D., Whitford WG.  2008.  Resource regulation by a twig-girdling beetle has implications for desertification. Ecological Entomology. 33:161-166.
Duval B.D., Whitford WG.  2008.  Resource regulation by a twig-girdling beetle has implications for desertification. 33:161-166.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Anderson D.M., Remmenga M.D..  2008.  Effects of cis-beta-sabinene hydrate, and monoterpene adn sesquiterpene mixtures on alfalfa pellet intake by lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 86:1478-1484.
Estes L.D, Okin GS, Mwangi A.G, Shugart H.H.  2008.  Habitat selection by a rare forest antelope: A multi-scale approach combining field data and imagery from three sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112(10):2033-2050.
Flombaum P., Sala O.E.  2008.  Higher effect of plant species diversity on productivity in natural than artificial ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 105:6087-6090.
Fredrickson E.L., Herrick JE, H. Peinetti R, Laliberte AS.  2008.  Landscape histories, livestock management, and mesquite expansion in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :2188.
French A.N., Schmugge T.J, Ritchie J, Hsu A.F., Jacob F., Ogawa K..  2008.  Detecting land cover change at the Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico with ASTER emissivities. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112:1730-1748.
Ginzburg O., Whitford WG, Steinberger Y.  2008.  Effects of harvester ant (Messor spp.) activity on soil properties and microbial communities in a Negev Desert ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils. :165-173.
Godinez-Alvarez H., Herrick JE, Mattocks M., Toledo DP.  2008.  Do sampling methods differ in their utility for ecological monitoring? Comparison of line-point intercept, grid-point intercept, and ocular estimate methods Ecological Society fo America Abstracts. :PS83-125.
Godinez-Alvarez H., Herrick JE, Mattocks M., Toledo DP, Van Zee J.  2008.  Line-point intercept, grid-point intercept,and ocular estimate methods: their relative value for rangeland assessment and monitoring. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :2380.
Goolsby D., Bestelmeyer BT.  2008.  Shrub expansion in northern Chihuahuan Desert grasslands: Spatial patterns and biophysical constraints. 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. :PS37-25.
Grimm N.B., Foster D., Groffman PM, Grove J.M., Hopkinson C.E., Nadelhoffer K.J., Pataki D.E., Peters DC.  2008.  The changing landscape: ecosystem responses to urbanization and pollution across climatic and societal gradients. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6(5):264-272.
Hansen N.K., Bestelmeyer BT, Brown JR, Tugel A.J..  2008.  Incorporating invasive species and degraded landscapes into ecological site descriptions. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. :2100.
Hansen N.K..  2008.  Patterns of soil and vegetation change associated with grassland-shrubland transitions: a case study. :152.
Havstad K.  2008.  Ecosystem functions of grazing lands. International Community Rangeland Mangement, People and Policy: Introducing Some Key Concepts. :16.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: An opinion on policy. Rangelands. 30:42-44.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Authentic frontier gibberish. Rangelands. 30
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Creative destruction. Rangelands. :29-32.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: Desperately creative acts. Rangelands. 30:25-28.
Havstad K.  2008.  Essays of a peripheral mind: The range problem in New Mexico. Rangelands. 30:56-58.
Havstad K, Herrick JE, Tseelei E.A..  2008.  Mongolia' s rangelands: Is livestock production the key to the future? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 6:386-391.
