Patterns of net primary production across sites. Cross-site comparisons of state change dynamics

TitlePatterns of net primary production across sites. Cross-site comparisons of state change dynamics
Publication TypeGovernment Report
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsKnapp A.K, Smith M.D, Peters DC, Collins S.L.
Series TitleLong-term trends in ecological systems: a basis for understanding responses to global change
Accession NumberJRN00580
Keywordscross-site comparisons, global change, net primary production, NPP

Net primary production (NPP) is a fundamentally important and commonly measured ecosystem process that provides an integrative estimate of energy capture and flow into systems and consequently of the energy available for use by other trophic levels. A wide range of productivity levels occurs globally (figure 5-1) with high temporal dynamics among sites (chapter 14). In this brief overview, we discuss approaches to estimating NPP, highlight site-specific trends in productivity, and provide examples of past synthetic analyses across space and time. We focus on aboveground components of NPP for reasons explained below.
