Jornada Bibliography

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Rouda R.R, Anderson D.M., Wallace J.D., Murray L.W.  1994.  Free-ranging cattle water consumption in south-central New Mexico. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 39:29-38.
Schlesinger W.H.  1994.  The vulnerability of biotic diversity. Industrial Ecology. :245-260.
Thomas P.M, Golly K.F, Zyskind JW, Virginia R.A.  1994.  Variation of clonal, mesquite-associated rhizobial and bradyrhizobial populations from surface and deep soils by symbiotic gene region restriction fragment length polymorphism and plasmid profile analysis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 60:1146-1153.
Wallace W., Havstad K.  1994.  Rescuing at-risk data on the Jornada Experimental Range. International Symposium and Workshop on Desertification in Developed Countries: Why Can't We Control It?.
Whitford WG, Martinez-Turanzas G., Martinez-Meza E..  1994.  Persistence of desertified ecosystems: explanations and implications. International Symposium and Workshop on Desertification in Developed Countries: Why Can't We Control It?. :18-19.
Zak D.R, Tilman D., Parmenter R.R, Rice C.W, Fisher F.M, Vose J., Milchunas D., Martin C.W.  1994.  Plant production and soil microorganisms in late-successional ecosystems: A continental-scale study. Ecology. 75:2333-2347.
Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Smith J.N, Murray L.W.  1993.  Effect of diet on physical properties of sheep feces. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :No.97.
Anderson D.M., Walker J.W., Havstad K, Murray L.W.  1993.  Evaluating the potential for lambs to bond to heifers. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :No.98.
Anderson D.M., Havstad K, Shupe, W. Larry, Libeau R..  1993.  Facilitating mixed-species management of sheep with cattle through bonding. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :No.96.
Barrow J.R..  1993.  The use of natural passive methods of dispersing and establishing native plants on arid rangelands. Revegetation and Ecology Session, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service. :7-8.
Beres LAnn.  1993.  Response potential of three perennial desert grasses to various disturbances. :94.
Boecklen W.J, Hoffman M.T.  1993.  Sex-biased herbivory in Ephedra trifurca: the importance of sex-by environment interactions. Oecologia. 96:49-55.
Brown JR, Stuth J.W..  1993.  How herbivory affects grazing tolerant and sensitive grasses in a central Texas grassland: Integrating plant response across hierarchical levels. Oikos. 67:291-298.
Daniel A, Holechek JL, Valdez R, Tembo A, Saiwana L, Rusco M, Cardenas M.  1993.  Range condition influences on Chihuahuan desert cattle and jackrabbit diets. Journal of Range Management. 46:296-301.
Duncan J., Stow D, Franklin J, Hope A.  1993.  Assessing the relationship between spectral vegetation indices and shrub cover in the Jornada Basin, New Mexico. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 14:3395-3416.
Estell RE, Havstad K, Heird C.E., Fredrickson E.L., Hallford D.M., Shupe, W. Larry.  1993.  Effects of repeated cycles of feed intake shifts on growth, feed efficiency and endocrine profiles of wether lambs. Small Ruminant Research. 10:103-118.
Estell RE, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Shupe, W. Larry, Saar L.J..  1993.  Evaluation of onions as a feed source for growing wethers. Journal of Animal Science. 71(Suppl. 1):71.
Franklin J, Duncan J., Turner DL.  1993.  Reflectance of vegetation and soil in Chihuahuan desert plant communities from ground radiometry using SPOT wavebands. Remote Sensing of Environment. 46:291-304.
Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE, Havstad K.  1993.  Animal and shrub interactions: Developing a tarbush model. 8th Wildland Shrub and Arid Land Restoration Symposium. :Abstract7.
Fredrickson E.L., Thilsted J.P., Estell RE, Shupe, W. Larry.  1993.  Effect of chronic ingestion of tarbush (Flourensia cernua) on the serum chemistry, occult blood and histopathology of ewe lambs. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :130.
Fredrickson E.L., Galyean M.L., Cheema A.U., Beaty R., Byrum G..  1993.  Effects of four cereal grains on intake and ruminal digestion of harvested forage by beef steers. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 40:93-107.
Fredrickson E.L., Galyean M.L., Branine M.E., Sowell B.F..  1993.  Influence of ruminally dispensed monensin and forage maturity on intake and digestion. Journal of Range Management. 46:214-220.
Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE, Havstad K.  1993.  Use of domestic animals as biological control agents of desert shrubs: Problems and promise. 4th Symposium on the Chihuahuan Desert Region: US and Mexico. :11.
Fusco MJ.  1993.  Grazing influences on watering point vegetation in the Chihuahuan desert. :62.
Gibbens, Robert P., Billheimer D.D., Havstad K, Herbel C.H..  1993.  Creosotebush vegetation after 50 years of lagomorph exclusion. Oecologia. 94:210-217.
Havstad K, Fowler J.M..  1993.  Managing New Mexico rangelands for sustained use through the 21st century. Journal of Proceedings: New Mexico Conference on the Environment. 2:855-864.
Havstad K.  1993.  Technologies for sustainable development of Chihuahuan Desert rangelands. 4th Symposium on Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region: US and Mexico. 12
Herman P, Provencio KR, Torrez R, Seager GM.  1993.  Effect of water and nitrogen additions on free-living nitrogen fixer populations in desert grass root zones. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 59:3021-3026.
Hoffman M.T, James CD, Kerley G.IH, Whitford WG.  1993.  Rabbit herbivory and its effect on cladode, flower, and fruit production of Opuntia violacea var macrocentra (Cactaceae) in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist. 38:309-315.
James CD, M. Hoffman T, Lightfoot DC, Forbes GS, Whitford WG.  1993.  Pollination ecology of Yucca elata: an experimental study of a mutualistic association. Oecologia. 93:512-517.
Kerley G.IH, Tiver F., Whitford WG.  1993.  Herbivory of clonal populations: cattle browsing affects reproduction and population structure of Yucca elata. Oecologia. 93:12-17.
Laca E.A., Launchbaugh K.L., Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE, Ksiksi T..  1993.  Role of grazing in shrub invasion and desertification. Texas Tech University, Research Highlights: Noxious Brush and Weed Control, Range and Wildlife Management. 24:22.
Mack GH, James CW, Monger CH.  1993.  Classification of paleosols. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 105:129-136.
McGee K., Marshall D.L.  1993.  Effects of variable moisture availability on seed germination in three populations of Larrea tridentata. The American Midland Naturalist. 130:75-82.
Monger CH.  1993.  Soil-geomorphic and Paleoclimatic Characteristics of the Fort Bliss Maneveur Areas, Southern New Mexico and Western Texas.
Moorhead DL, Reynolds J.F.  1993.  Changing carbon chemistry of buried creosote bush litter during decomposition in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. The American Midland Naturalist. 130:83-89.
Naranjo L.G, Raitt RJ.  1993.  Breeding bird distribution in Chihuahuan desert habitats. Southwestern Naturalist. 38:43-51.
Nsinamwa M.  1993.  Effects of grazing intensity and season of grazing on cow diets and plant responses on northern Chihuahuan desert. :50.
Peters A.J., Reed B.C., Eve M.D., Havstad K.  1993.  Satellite assessment of drought impact on native plant communities of southeastern New Mexico, USA. Journal of Arid Environments. 24:305-319.
Pieper, Rex D., Beck RF, Gibbens, Robert P., Donart G.B..  1993.  Sustainable livestock grazing in New Mexico. Journal of Proceedings: New Mexico Conference on the Environment. 2:847-854.
Rice P.M..  1993.  Estimating and modelling stemflow and throughfall on creosote (Larrea tridentata) in an arid environment. :43.
Richman D..  1993.  Preliminary data on the spider and solpugid fauna of the Jornada.
Sanchez FClemente.  1993.  Influences of range condition, cattle, and watering hole distribution on a pronghorn population in southcentral New Mexico. :130.
Senock R.S., Anderson D.M., Murray L.W, Donart G.B..  1993.  Tobosa tiller defoliation patterns under rotational and continuous stocking. Journal of Range Management. 46:500-505.
Shupe, W. Larry, Fredrickson E.L., Havstad K, Estell RE.  1993.  Effect of feeding ewe lambs a 15% tarbush pellet pre-and post-weaning on subsequent diet selection of tarbush. 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. :No.131.
Smith J.N.  1993.  Diurnal diet composition and behavior of cattle and sheep on Chihuahuan Desert range. Animal and Range Sciences Department. PhD:162.
Smith GTanner.  1993.  Influence of excellent and good condition Chihuahuan desert range on vegetation, cattle diets, and wildlife populations. :97.
Walker DA.  1993.  Effect of genetic composition of beef cattle on diet selection on southern New Mexico rangeland. :96.
Warren AAlden.  1993.  Longterm mesquite control influences on Chihuahuan desert vegetation. :71.
