Satellite assessment of drought impact on native plant communities of southeastern New Mexico, USA

TitleSatellite assessment of drought impact on native plant communities of southeastern New Mexico, USA
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsPeters A.J., Reed B.C., Eve M.D., Havstad K
JournalJournal of Arid Environments
Date PublishedApril 1, 1993

Low spatial resolution imagery from a polar orbiting meteorological satellite was utilized to detect short-term drought effects on native plant communities in southeastern New Mexico, U.S.A. rangelands. A spectrally derived Vegetation Index was compared to the Palmer Drought Severity Index Crop Moisture Index, and monthly precipitation departures for a wet year (1988) and a dry year (1989). Differences between years as well as between plant communities were assessed. Plant communities consisting primarily of grass species were the most spectrally responsive to variation in precipitation, while forested areas were least affected.
