John Anderson

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioImpact of land surface states within the flux footprint on daytime land-atmosphere coupling in two semiarid ecosystems of the Southwestern U.S. John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioLeaf litter decomposition is rapidly enhanced by the co-occurrence of monsoon rainfall and soil-litter mixing across a gradient of coppice dune development in the Chihuahuan Desert John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioOn the observed hysteresis in field-scale soil moisture variability and its physical controls John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioPoint discharge current measurements beneath dust devils John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioBeyond desertification: new paradigms for dryland landscapes John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioCharacterizing differences in precipitation regimes of extreme wet and dry years: implications for climate change experiments John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioCollaboration, interdisciplinary thinking, and communication: new approaches to K–12 ecology education John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioConnectivity in dryland landscapes: shifting concepts of spatial interactions John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioDesertification, land use, and the transformation of global drylands John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioEmerging technological and cultural shifts advancing drylands research and management John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioEnhanced interannual precipitation variability increases plant functional diversity that in turn ameliorates negative impact on productivity John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioEnhanced precipitation variability decreases grass- and increases shrub-productivity John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioEnhanced precipitation variability effects on water losses and ecosystem functioning: differential response of arid and mesic regions John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioIn-situ measurement of dust devil activity at La Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico, USA John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioLegacy effects in linked ecological–soil– geomorphic systems of drylands John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioRangeland ecosystem services: shifting focus from supply to reconciling supply and demand John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioResponses of a desert nematode community to changes in water availability John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioSunlight and Soil–Litter Mixing: Drivers of Litter Decomposition in Drylands John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioAn ecosystem services perspective on brush management: research priorities for competing land-use objectives John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioDifferential sensitivities of grassland structural components to changes in precipitation mediate productivity response in a desert ecosystem John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioEffects of grassland restoration efforts on mound-building ants in the Chihuahuan Desert John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioExperimental micropedology-A technique for investigating soil carbonate biogenesis along a desert-grassland-forest transect, New Mexico, USA John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioInteractions among resource partitioning, sampling effect, and facilitation on the biodiversity effect: a modeling approach John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioSoils as generators and sinks of inorganic carbon in geologic time John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
BiblioTree effects on grass growth in savannas: competition, facilitation and the stress-gradient hypothesis John Anderson04 years 6 months ago
