
TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
BiblioForaging behavior of heritage versus recently introduced herbivores on desert landscapes of the American Southwest Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioImpacts of atmospheric nutrient deposition on marine productivity: Roles of nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioEntisols Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioAridisols Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioBLM core terrestrail indicators and methods Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioExamining endophyte interactions within fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioEndophyte Microbiome Diversity in Micropropagated Atriplex canescens and Atriplex torreyi var griffithsii Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioImage processing and classification procedures for analysis of sub-decimeter imagery acquired with an unmanned aircraft over arid rangelands Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioMultispectral remote sensing from unmanned aircraft: image processing workflows and applications for rangeland environments Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioOrthorectification, mosaicking, and analysis of sub-decimeter resolution UAV imagery for rangeland monitoring Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioUAS remote sensing missions for rangeland applications Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioUtilizing the tropic interactions of nematodes as indicators of change in soil biota associated with the loss of bouteloua eiopda grasslands Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioDIMA quick start; database for inventory, monitoring and assessment Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioRangeland assessment and monitoring methods guide Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioTurning information into knowledge for rangeland management Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioLand cover classification and change detection in drylands: an evaluation of remote sensing approaches Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioIncorporating spatial patterns into a state and transition model for arid grasslands and shrublands in southern New Mexico Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe ecology of dust Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioDistribution of antiherbivory compounds in Flourensia cernua Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioDisentangling road network impacts: the need for a holistic approach Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioCross-site comparisons of precipitation and surface water chemistry Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioThe database for inventory, monitoring, and assessment (DIMA) Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioBreeding bird responses to 30 years of grassland restoration on southern New Mexico public lands Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioForest structure and aboveground biomass in the southwestern United States from MODIS and MISR Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
BiblioPatterns in reproductive phenology for dryland grasses and shrubs from 1993 to 2010 in the Chihuahuan Desert Bernice Gamboa010 years 8 months ago
