Influence of habitat vegetative condition on trap response of rodents associated with burrow mounds of Dipodomys spectabilis in a desert grassland

TitleInfluence of habitat vegetative condition on trap response of rodents associated with burrow mounds of Dipodomys spectabilis in a desert grassland
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsKay F.R
JournalSouthwestern Naturalist
Start Page269
Date PublishedJune 1998
Keywordsburrow mounds, desert grassland, Dipodomys spectabilis, habitat vegetative condition, rodents, trap response

A variety of factors are  known to  play  a role in   susceptibility  of   small  mammals  to   being trapped (Smith et al.,  1975). Among the factors tested are trap-type (closed box  live  trap, pitfall trap, wire  box live  trap, snap trap), moonlight,  season, food  availability, and  bait (see  O'Farrell et al.  [1994] and Woodman et al [1996] for  recent reviews). Although intuition suggests that habitat condition (e.g., food availability, cover)  should  influence  small mammal trap response, few  observations have been reported  (Grinnell, 1932; Fitch, 1954; Smith and  Blessing, 1969; O'Farrell  and  Up­tain, 1987). Grinnell  (1932)  stated that giant kangaroo rats  (Dipodomys ingens)  ignored bait­ ed snap-traps when new  growth of  forbs and grasses was available. Fitch (1954) showed that captures of a variety of small and medium-sized mammals declined in  apparent concert with seasonal food availability. Smith  and  Blessing (1969) presented  results that showed that experimental food augmentation decreased captures of old-field rodents. O'Farrell and Uptain (1987) reported  that Stephens' kangaroo rats (D.   stephensi)   were   nearly  impossible  to  live­ trap when vegetative cover and  green  vegetation were abundant.