Monitoring rangeland health: A guide for pastoralists and other land managers in Eastern Africa

TitleMonitoring rangeland health: A guide for pastoralists and other land managers in Eastern Africa
Publication TypeGovernment Report
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsRiginos C., Herrick JE
EditionVersion II
ARIS Log Number253319

This guide provides is written for people who want to design and implement a simple rangeland monitoring program in eastern Africa that is based on ecological principles and reflects the status of key ecological processes. It outline a series of steps that enable community members and other land managers to decide what, where, when, and how to monitor, as well as how to interpret and apply the results of their monitoring. It is based on a simple set of methods for monitoring plant and ground cover, gaps between plants, plant height, and plant density. It also provides instructions for collecting basic site information and observational data for interpreting monitoring results. The methods require only a pencil, a 1m stick, and a single datasheet, but generate data that are for the most part comparable with those collected using standardized monitoring protocols such as those applied by the United States National Resources Inventory (NRI).