Creosotebush (<i>Larrea tridentata</i> [DC.] Coville)

TitleCreosotebush (Larrea tridentata [DC.] Coville)
Publication TypeGovernment Report
Year of Publication1966
AuthorsHerbel C.H.
PublisherU.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of the Interior, Chemical Control of Range Weeds, Interagency Report
Keywordscreosotebush, description, government publication, Larrea tridentata, plant treatment
AbstractCreosotebush, a member of the caltrops family, is a common evergreen shrub usually 3 to 6 feet tall. It occurs on an estimated 461/2 million acres in the arid Southwest from California to western Texas. It spreads from seed. This plant is worthless for browsing. Desirable perennial grasses cannot compete with creosotebush. After creosotebush becomes established on a site, it can gain dominance rather rapidly. When this occurs, the entire site deteriorates from wind and water erosion. Individual plant treatment with fenuron pellets have consistently given plant kills in excess of 90 percent. Monuron powder, monuron-trichloroacetate benzoic acid granules have been less effective. An effective rate is an individual plant treatment of 1 gram active ingredient of 25 percent fenuron pellets (1 level teaspoon = 1 gram active ingredient) for each 1½ feet of canopy diameter. The pellets should be scattered around the base of the plant. Since fenuron is desensitized by light and high temperatures, it is important that the materials be applied just prior to or in the early part of an expected rainy season. This is an economical method of controlling sparse stands (up to 75 plants per acre) of creosotebush. It would be especially beneficial where creosotebush is invading grassland. The work reported was done on gravelly sandy loams in southern New Mexico.