The grassland biome: a synthesis of structure and function, 1970

TitleThe grassland biome: a synthesis of structure and function, 1970
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1971
AuthorsLewis J.K
EditorFrench NR
Conference NamePreliminary Analysis of Structure and Function in Grasslands: Proceedings of Symposium Entitled "The Grassland Biome: Analysis and synthesis of First Year Data"
Series TitleRange Science Department Science Series 10
Date PublishedSeptember 1, 197
PublisherColorado State University
Conference LocationColorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Keywordsabstract, abstracts, Aves,grassland, biomass,grassland, conference, conference proceedings, conferences, grassland,Aves, grassland,function, grassland,invertebrate, grassland,Rodentia, grassland,structure, invertebrate,grassland, proceeding, proceedings, Rodentia,grassland
Abstract The structures of the ecosystems of the Comprehensive Network Sites of the Grassland Biome study have been compared with reference to site constants, treatment variables, and 1970 state variables. The primary producer state variables studied included seasonal trends and time-weighted means of aboveground standing crop of primary producers by category and functional group, mulch, and belowground standing crop. Consumer variables studied included seasonal trends and time-weighted means of invertebrate density and standing crop by families and trophic levels and small mammal and bird standing crops by species and ecological groups. In addition, typical standing crops of domestic livestock were compared.
Custom 1Fort Collins, Colorado