Grazing systems on native range

TitleGrazing systems on native range
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1973
AuthorsHerbel C.H.
Conference NameProceedings of the Great Plains Beef Symposium
VolumePublication No. 63
Date Published1973
PublisherGreat Plains Agricuture Council
Conference LocationLincoln, NE
Keywordsgrazing systems, Great Plains, native ranges, vegetation regions
AbstractThis review is concerned primarily with research on grazing systems on native ranges in the ten Great Plains states. Basic information on climate and vegetation is presented so results may be disseminated and adapted as widely as possible. To keep this paper within space limitations, only studies concerned with specialized grazing systems are considered. Generally, this means that some scheme of livestock manipulation other than continuous grazing was studied. Short-term experiments generally are not considered because the author feels it takes several years for the treatments to have conclusive effects on vegetation and livestock performance. Other management strategies not considered in this paper are calving or lambing dates, levels of supplemental feeding, methods of obtaining better livestock distribution and range improvements. Studies are reviewed by major vegetation regions.