A hierarchical classification of landforms: some implications for understanding local and regional vegetation dynamics

TitleA hierarchical classification of landforms: some implications for understanding local and regional vegetation dynamics
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsWondzell SM, Cunningham GL, Bachelet D
Series EditorAldon EF, Vicente CEGonzale, Moir WH(eds.)
Date Published1987
InstitutionUSDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
CityFort Collins, Colorado
ISBN NumberGeneral Technical Report RM-150
Accession NumberJRN00048
Call Number00414
Keywordsbook, books, chapter, chapters, community, landforms, community, vegetative, desertification, geomorphology, transect, geomorphology, vegetation dynamics, landforms, classification, model, desertification, report, reports, transect, geomorphology, transect, landforms, transect, plant communities, transect, vegetation dynamics, vegetation dynamics, vegetation, classification, vegetative communities

Analyses of soils and vegetation on the Jornada/Long-Term Ecological Research site have shown strong relationships between vegetative communities and landforms. Observations indicate that similar vegetative patterns exist throughout the Mexican Highland division of the Basin and Range Province. A generalized landscape-level model is presented which attempts to explain the desertification trends producing the shrub-grassland vegetational mosaic found today in southern New Mexico.

Alternate TitleStrategies for Classification and Management of Native Vegetation for Food Production in Arid Zones