Plant inoculation with obligate endophytes from arid rangelands grasses: Implications for water usage

TitlePlant inoculation with obligate endophytes from arid rangelands grasses: Implications for water usage
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsReyes-Vera I., Lucero M.E., Barrow J.R.
Conference NameSymposium on Efficient Water Use in the Urban Landscape
Date PublishedFebruary 23-24,
Conference LocationLas Cruces, NM
ARIS Log Number198390
Keywordsdisease resistance, drought tolerance, endophytic, inoculation
Abstract Endophytic inoculation of grasses can result in significant agronomic advantages including increased drought tolerance and disease resistance as well as enhanced water and nutrient uptake. While some endophytes can increase plant toxicity, others are thought to be strictly beneficial. New attempts to induce novel grass-endophyte associations with harmless endophytes are needed. By means of a novel biotechnology technique, we have transferred obligate biotrophic fungal endophytes from local rangeland grass species to novel host grasses. Important differences in root growth habbit and shoot/root ratio were apparent. Implications for plant water and nutrient uptake are discussed.