Human health, biodiversity and ecosystem services: the intertwined challenging future

TitleHuman health, biodiversity and ecosystem services: the intertwined challenging future
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsMeyerson F.AB, Meyerson L.A, Parmesan C., Sala O.E
EditorSala O.E, Meyerson L.A, Parmesan C.
Book TitleBiodiversity change and human health: from ecosystem services to spread of disease
PublisherIsland Press
CityWashington, DC
Accession NumberJRN00502
Keywordsbiodiversity, book, chapter, disease, ecosystem services, human health, report

In a world where scarcity of food, water, and fuel is an immediate challenge and not just a future specter, the maintenance of  biodiversity and ecosystem services is critical to human health and welfare. Th e climate change wild card adds insecurity as to what biotic resources and tools may be needed for human adaptation to food supply disruptions, ecosystem alterations, shift ing disease patterns, and other health threats. Th ere is great uncertainty about the future interaction between human health and changes in biodiversity. In many ways, we are collectively experimenting blindly with the ecology of the entire planet. However, we know enough to describe several major challenges and important research needs.

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