Fluff grass soil nitrogen

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This data set consists of soil analyses for nitrate,
ammonium, total nitrogen, moisture content, organic matter, mite
weight, nematode weight and root weight of Erioneuron pulchellum
soil rhizosphere samples taken at monthly intervals from Silva\'s
dissertation research plots. Twenty 6 x 6 m plots were established
with a 3 m buffer between plots. Five plots were randomly
assigned to one of four treatments: (1) chlordane amendment
100ml AI (active ingredients) per 10,000 ml) to exclude
microarthropods, (2) sprinkler irrigation (6 mm per week),
(3) sprinkler irrigation (6 mm/week) plus chlordate amendment (as
above), (4) control (no treatment). Three randomly located
subsamples were taken from each plot.

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