Workshops and Training

Field Botany Workshops

Kirsten Romig of the Jornada Experimental Range conducts bimonthly Field Botany Workshops for Jornada employees and anyone else who has an interest in learning to identify plants on the Jornada plain. This is a Continuing Education Workshop worth 2.5 or more CEU's.  Workshop are scheduled for:

  • Tuesday, January 9, 2018

If you plan to attend a workshop, please register by e-mail or call. Deadline to register is the Thursday before the workshop.

Field tours will begin at 8:00 am at Wooton Hall on the New Mexico State University campus, Las Cruces, NM. A map will be emailed when you register. Please bring your lunch, plenty of water, sunscreen, and a hat with a wide brim. If possible bring a hand lens, Kelly Allred's Pocket Guide to the Flora of the Jornada Plain (available at or a comparable plant key, and a camera. The workshop will include at least four typical plant ecosystems within the Jornada Experimental Range. Personal desires and requests can be scheduled, such as: 

  • A morning tutorial on the terminology and physiology of plants
  • The use of specific keys
  • Identifying unknown species from a personal collection
  • Focusing on a functional group, plant family, or area

The workshops should end around 3:00 pm but often extends to 5:00 pm.

To register or for inquiries, email Kirsten at, or call her office at 575.646.4465.

Spring and summer flowering plants on the jornada -

See photos from previous workshops -


Interpreting and Measuring Indicators of Rangeland Health (IMIRH, previously IIRH) Training

For detailed information about this workshop, go to



Pedoderm and Pattern Class Workshop

**No future workshops currently planned**
Workshops can be scheduled on an as needed basis. Please contact Laura Burkett if you would like a workshop or have questions about applying PPCs.

You can download the Field Guide and PowerPoint slides from the workshop here -


Workshop information:

SRM CEU Credits: 8

Limited to 20 participants

Location: Wooton Hall on the NMSU campus and Jornada Experimental Range (JER) ranch headquarters (vans will be provided to shuttle participants between Wooton Hall and JER)

Description: This two-day training will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Pedoderm and Pattern Classes (PPC) and their uses for inventory, assessment, ecological site development and management decision making. Participants will be trained to apply PPCs in a consistent and repeatable fashion. Day one includes indoor (Garcia Building JER Ranch Headquarters) and outdoor (Jornada Experimental Range), hands-on instruction in assigning PPCs using the Field Guide to Pedoderm and Pattern Classes. Day two includes further calibration followed by a 'methods test.' The methods test will be used to ensure consistency of the PPC method. The workshop is suitable for professionals with backgrounds in a variety natural resources and ecology fields. Lunch will be provided.

Bring your own water, hat, sunscreen and other field equipment. Pencils, clipboards, data forms, and a Field Guide to Pedoderm and Pattern Classes will be provided.


