Data sets

162 matching data sets (displaying 26 - 50)
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Hydrological and Energy Surface and Atmospheric Fluxes in the Tromble Watershed from 6/2010 to 10/2011
Abrasion of Crust at Scrape Site
Soil Water Content in Experimental Precipitation Manipulation Plots on the Jornada Basin, 2007-2009
East and west boundary fence plant line intercepts - percent cover for 9 species, Jornada Basin, 1982 to 1992
Jornada Experimental Range permanent quadrat chart data beginning 1915 - plant density
Jornada Experimental Range Permanent Quadrat Chart data beginning 1915 - plant cover
Wetfall deposition chemistry data
Estimated daily precipitation at the 15 ANPP sites: 1980-2010
Arthropod Pitfall Trap Collections at NPP Sites on the Jornada Experimental Range, 1996-2001
Plant Cover in Precipitation and Nitrogen Manipulation Plots on the Jornada Basin, 2007-2009
Jornada Experimental Range stocking rates for cattle, horses, and sheep beginning 1916
Pre-dawn Water Potential for leaves from Reduced and Enhanced Precipitation Treatments on the Jornada Basin, 2007-2008
Photosynthetic Rates for Leaves from Treatments of Enhanced and Reduced Precipitation on the Jornada Basin, 2007-2008
Arson burn on LTER-I Transect plant line intercepts - field data (tape format)
Arson burn on LTER-I transect plant line intercepts - LT series (percent cover)
Nutrient losses in runoff from grassland and shrubland habitats in southern New Mexico: I. Rainfall simulation experiments --SUMMARY of SHRUB nitrogen and phosphorus chemistry
Nutrient losses in runoff from grassland and shrubland habitats in southern New Mexico: I. Rainfall simulation experiments --SUMMARY of INTERSHRUB nitrogen and phosphorus chemistry
Nutrient losses in runoff from grassland and shrubland habitats in southern New Mexico: I. Rainfall simulation experiments --SUMMARY of GRASSLAND nitrogen and phosphorus chemistry
Nutrient losses in runoff from grassland and shrubland habitats in southern New Mexico: I. Rainfall simulation experiments --Nitrogen and phosphorus chemistry
Monthly precipitation data from a network of standard gauges at the Jornada Experimental Range in southern New Mexico, January 1916 - October 2018
USDA-NOAA NWS Monthly Total Pan Evaporation Data
USDA-NOAA NWS Monthly Summary Climatological Data
Line Intercept Data of Long-term Vegetation Responses to Shrub Removal and Lagomorph Exclusion in a Creosotebush Community on the Jornada Experimental Range,1939-2001
Soil movement across black grama-mesquite ecotones beginning in 1933
Horizontal sand mass flux data Derived from 5-stage BSNE collectors at 15 NPP sites and Geomet site
