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Othman Y, Steele C, VanLeeuwen D., Hilaire RSt..  2015.  Hyperspectral surface reflectance data detect low moisture status of pecan orchards during flood irrigation . Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 140(5):449-458.
Osuna-Avila P., Barrow J.R., Lucero M.E., Aaltonen R.E..  2012.  Relationship between plant lipid bodies and fungal endophytes. Terra Latinoamerica. 30(1):39-45.
Osuna-Avila P., Barrow J.R..  2005.  Soil microorganisms and their importance in plant establishment and growth. Symposio Internacional de Manejo de Pastizaes.
Osuna-Avila P..  2002.  The development of an in vitro system to determine the role of endophytic fungus (Aspergillus ustus) on Daucus carota roots. :134.
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Osuna P., Barrow J.R..  2004.  Regeneration of black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda Torr. Torr) plants via somatic embryogenesis. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant. 40:299-302.
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Osborne BB, Bestelmeyer BT, Currier CM, Homyak PM, Throop HL, Young K, Reed SC.  2022.  The consequences of climate change for dryland biogeochemistry. New Phytologist.
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Okin GS, Webb N, Bhattachan A, Dintwe K, D'Odorico P.  2014.  The southern Kalahari as a dust source: preliminary results from the field. Eighth International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII). :p.326.
Okin GS, Heras MMoreno-de, Saco PM, Throop HL, Vivoni E, Parsons A.J., Wainwright J, Peters DC.  2015.  Connectivity in dryland landscapes: shifting concepts of spatial interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13(1):20-27.
Okin GS, Sala O.E, Vivoni E, Zhang J., Bhattachan A.  2018.  The interactive role of wind and water in functioning of drylands: what does the future hold? BioScience. 68(9):670-677.
Okin GS, Bullard JE, Reynolds R.L, Ballantine J.-A.C, Schepanski K., Todd M.C, Belnap J, Baddock MC, Gill TE, Miller M..  2011.  Dust: small-scale processes with global consequences. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 92(29):241-243.
Okin GS, Baker A.R, Tegen I., Mahowald N.M, Dentener F.J, Duce R.A, Galloway J.N, Hunter K.A, Kanakidou M., Kubilay N. et al..  2011.  Impacts of atmospheric nutrient deposition on marine productivity: Roles of nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 25:GB2022.
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Okin GS, Parsons A.J., Wainwright J, Herrick JE, Bestelmeyer BT, Peters DC, Fredrickson E.L..  2009.  Do changes in connectivity explain desertification? BioScience. 59:237-244.
Okin GS, Li J, Alvarez L, Peters DC, D'Odorico P.  2008.  Feedbacks between aeolian processes, vegetation productivity, and nutrient flux in deserts. Geological Society of America Meetings.
Okin GS, Mladenov N., Wang L., Cassel D., Caylor K.K, Ringrose S., Macko SA.  2008.  Spatial patterns of soil nutrients in two southern African savannas. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 113:G02011.
Okin GS, Gillette D.E, Herrick JE.  2006.  Multiscale controls on and consequences of aeolian processes in landscape change in arid and semi-arid environments. Journal of Arid Environments. 65:253-275.
Okin GS, Gillette D.E.  2004.  Modelling wind erosion and dust emission on vegetated surfaces. Spatial Modeling of the Terrestrial Environment. :137-156pp.
Okin GS, Gillette D.E.  2001.  Distribution of vegetation in wind-dominated landscapes: implications for wind erosion modeling and landscape processes. Journal of Geophysical Research. 106:9673-9684.
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O'Brien R.T.  1972.  Proteolytic activity of soil microorganisms. US/IBP Desert Biome.