Jornada Bibliography

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Senock R.S., Barrow J.R., Gibbens, Robert P., Herbel C.H..  1990.  Gas exchange and water relations of the polyploid shrub Atriplex canescens growing in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. 43rd Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :Abstract51.
Steinberger Y, Shmida A, Whitford WG.  1990.  Decomposition along a rainfall gradient in the Judean desert, Israel. Oecologia. 82(3):322-324.
Steinberger Y, Aldon EF, Whitford WG.  1990.  Soil Microarthropod Fauna of Four Habitats of the Rio Puerco Watershed, New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist . 35(3):279-284.
Stockton P.H, Gillette D.E.  1990.  Field measurements of the sheltering effect of vegetation on erodible land surfaces. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation. 2:77-85.
Tembo A.  1990.  Influence of watering points and range condition on vegetation of the Chihuahuan desert. :127.
Velez EHenry Teja.  1990.  Brush control and grazing behavior of goats on semidesert mesquite brush dominated rangeland. :106.
Vera-Cruz MTeresa R.  1990.  Interception of water by range plants and evaporation from soils in southwest New Mexico. :112.
Virginia R.A.  1990.  Desert restoration: the role of woody legumes. Environmental Restoration: Science and Strategies for Restoring the Earth. 23-30
Ward TJ, Asce M., J. Krammes S, Bolton S.M, Asce A.M.  1990.  A comparison of runoff and sediment yields from bare and vegetated plots using rainfall simulation. Watershed Planning and Analysis in Action. :245-255.
Winder J.A, Beck RF.  1990.  Utilization of linear, prediction procedures to evaluate animal response to grazing systems. Journal of Range Management. 43:396-400.
Wondzell SM, Cornelius JM, Cunningham GL.  1990.  Vegetation patterns, microtopography and soils on a Chihuahuan desert playa. Journal of Vegetation Science. 1:403-410.
Anderson D.M., Gibbens, Robert P., Hulet CV, Havstad K, Estell RE.  1991.  Browsing arid rangeland shrubs under multispecies management strategies. IV International Rangeland Congress. :188.
Anderson D.M., Gibbens, Robert P., Hulet CV, Havstad K, Estell RE.  1991.  Defoliating tarbush under multispecies management. 4th US/Mexico Border Conference on Recreation, Parks and Wildlife.
Ansotegui R.P., Havstad K, Wallace J.D., Hallford D.M..  1991.  Effects of milk intake on forage intake and performance of suckling range calves. Journal of Animal Science. 69:899-904.
Barrow J.R., Havstad K, Gibbens, Robert P..  1991.  The use of alternative natural methods of reseeding arid native grasslands. IVth International Rangeland Congress. :No.354.
Bolton S.M, Ward TJ, Cole R.A.  1991.  Sediment-related transport of nutrients from southwestern watersheds. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage. 117:736-747.
Carlson S.R, Whitford WG.  1991.  Ant mound influence on vegetation and soils in a semiarid mountain ecosystem. The American Midland Naturalist. 126:125-139.
Cornelius JM, Reynolds J.F.  1991.  On determining the statistical significance of discontinuities within ordered ecological data. Ecology. 72:2057-2070.
Cornelius JM, Kemp P.R, Ludwig J., Cunningham GL.  1991.  The distribution of vascular plant species and guilds in space and time along a desert gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2:59-72.
Daniel A.  1991.  Influence of range condition on density and diet of black-tailed jackrabbits and diet of cattle in southcentral New Mexico. :120.
Estell RE, Havstad K, Heird C.E., Fredrickson E.L., Hallford D.M., Shupe, W. Larry.  1991.  Effect of cyclic feeding patterns on growth, serum metabolites and hormones, organ size and carcass traits of wether lambs. American Society of Animal Science. :No.839.
Fredrickson E.L., Galyean M.L..  1991.  Effects of monensin supplementation on grazing beef cattle. Arizona Farmer-Stockman. 70 (12):6-7.
Funston R.N., Kress D.D., Havstad K, Doornbos D.E.  1991.  Grazing behavior of rangeland beef cattle differing in biological type. Journal of Animal Science. 69:1435-1442.
Gibbens, Robert P..  1991.  Some effects of precipitation patterns on mesa dropseed phenology. Journal of Range Management. 44:86-90.
Haque Z, Younga A, McDaniel K.C, Pieper, Rex D..  1991.  Two-phase pattern in mesquite-herbland vegetation in southwestern New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist. 36:54-59.
Havstad K, Olson-Rutz K.M.  1991.  Sample size determinations for studying selected cattle foraging behaviors. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 30:17-26.
Herbel C.H., Pieper, Rex D..  1991.  Grazing Management. Semiarid Lands and Deserts: Soil Resource and Reclamation. :361-385.
Hills R.G, Wierenga PJ, Hudson D.B, Kirkland M.R.  1991.  The second Las Cruces trench experiment: Experimental results and two-dimensional flow predictions. Water Resources Research. 27:2707-2718.
Horton J., Pieper, Rex D., Havstad K, Wallace J.D., Murray L.W.  1991.  Environmental effects on behavior and production of range cows on the Chihuahuan Desert. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. :No.88.
Hulet CV, Anderson D.M., Smith J.N, Shupe, W. Larry, Murray L.W.  1991.  Bonding of Spanish kid goats to cattle and sheep. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 30:97-103.
Hulet CV, Anderson D.M..  1991.  Can multi-species grazing help protect stock from coyotes? National Wool Growers' Magazine. 81:32-33.
Jorat SM.  1991.  Evaluation of hydraulic roughness coefficient from field and laboratory data. :147.
Kattnig RM.  1991.  Evaluation of range beef cattle production efficiency under semi-desert conditions. :111.
King D..  1991.  Seasonal diet quality, intake, and fecal output estimates of steers grazing semidesert rangeland.
Kratz T.K, Benson B.J, Blood E.R, Cunningham GL, Dahlgren R.A.  1991.  The influence of landscape position on temporal variability in four North American ecosystems. American Naturalist. 138:341-348.
Lightfoot KS.  1991.  Associations of annual plants and shrubs in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. :75.
Lightfoot DC, Whitford WG.  1991.  Productivity of creosotebush foliage and associated canopy arthropods along a desert roadside. American Midland Naturalist. 125:310-322.
Mason J.B., Gibbens, Robert P., Havstad K.  1991.  GIS applications in rangeland research on the Jornada Experimental Range. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. :No.P64.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA, Lindemann W.C, Liddell CM.  1991.  Microbial precipitation of pedogenic calcite. Geology. 19:997-1000.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA, Gile L.H.  1991.  A microscopic examination of pedogenic calcite in an aridisol of southern New Mexico. :37-60.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA.  1991.  Neoformation of palygorskite in a southern New Mexico aridisol. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55:1646-1650.
Monger CH, Daugherty LRA.  1991.  Pressure solution: possible mechanism for silicate grain dissolution in a petrocalcic horizon. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55:1625-1629.
Moorhead DL, Reynolds J.F.  1991.  A general model of litter decomposition in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Ecological Modelling. 56:197-219.
Morupisi CNkatla.  1991.  Postweaning growth and cyclicity of barzona, beefmaster and brangus heifers grazing semidesert rangeland. :46.
Nash M.S, Wierenga PJ, Gutjahr A.  1991.  Time series analysis of soil moisture and rainfall along a line transect in arid rangeland. Soil Science. 152:189-198.
E. Pamo T, Pieper, Rex D., Beck RF.  1991.  Range condition analysis: comparison of 2 methods in southern New Mexico desert grasslands. Journal of Range Management. 44:374-378.
Peterjohn WT, Schlesinger W.H.  1991.  Factors controlling denitrification in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 55:1694-1701.
Schlesinger W.H.  1991.  Climate, environment and ecology. Proceedings of the Second World Climate Conference.
Schlesinger W.H, Peterjohn WT.  1991.  Processes controlling ammonia volatilization from Chihuahuan Desert soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 23:637-642.
Senock R.S., Barrow J.R., Gibbens, Robert P., Herbel C.H..  1991.  Ecophysiology of the polyploid shrub Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae) growing in situ in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 21:45-57.
