Jornada Bibliography

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Journal Article
Leimer AK, Boykin K, Anderson C.A., Steele C.  2019.  Applicability of functional groups as indicators of resilience and redundancy in the San Pedro Watershed, Arizona. AIMS Environmental Science. 6(3):127-146.
Vivoni E, Rango A., Anderson C.A., Pierini N, Schreiner-McGraw A.P, Saripalli S, Laliberte AS.  2014.  Ecohydrology with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Ecosphere. 5(10)
Sipos M., Anderson C.A., Whitford WG, Gould W.R.  2002.  Graminivory by Dipodomys ordii and Dipodomys merriami on four species of perennial grasses. The Southwestern Naturalist. 47:276-281.
Templeton R, Vivoni E, Mendez-Barroso LA, Pierini N, Anderson C.A., Rango A., Laliberte AS, Scott R.L..  2014.  High-resolution characterization of a semiarid watershed: Implications on evapotranspiration estimates. Journal of Hydrology. 509:306-319.
Anderson C.A., Vivoni E.  2016.  Impact of land surface states within the flux footprint on daytime land-atmosphere coupling in two semiarid ecosystems of the Southwestern U.S.. Water Resources Research. 52
Vivoni E, Perez ER, Keller ZT, Escoto E, Templeton R, Templeton NP, Anderson C.A., Schreiner-McGraw A.P, Méndez-Barroso LA, Morua ARobles et al..  2021.  Long-term research catchments to investigate shrub encroachment in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts: Santa Rita and Jornada experimental ranges. Hydrological Processes. 35(1):e14031.
Northcott J., Anderson C.A., Roemer G., Fredrickson E.L., Demers M., Truett J., Ford P.L.  2008.  Spatial analysis of effects of mowing and burning on colony expansion in reintroduced black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus). Restoration Ecology. 16:495-502.