Jornada Bibliography

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Book Chapter
Peters DC, Archer SR, Bestelmeyer BT, Brooks A, Brown JR, Comrie A, H. Gimblett R, Goldstein JH, Havstad K, Lopez-Hoffman L. et al..  2013.  Desertification of Rangelands. Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources. 4:239-258.
Journal Article
Browning DM, Rango A., Karl JW, Laney C., Vivoni E, Tweedie C.  2015.  Emerging technological and cultural shifts advancing drylands research and management. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13(1):52-60.
Peters DC, Havstad K, Cushing J, Tweedie C, Fuentes O, Villanueva-Rosales N.  2014.  Harnessing the power of big data: infusing the scientific method with machine learning to transform ecology. Ecosphere. 5(6)
Browning DM, Russell ES, Ponce-Campos GE, Kaplan N.E, Richardson AD, Seyednasrollah B, Spiegal S., Saliendra NZ, Alfieri JG, Baker J.M et al..  2021.  Monitoring agroecosystem productivity and phenology at a national scale: A metric assessment framework. Ecological Indicators. 131
Browning DM, Karl JW, Moran D, Richardson AD, Tweedie C.  2017.  Phenocams bridge the gap between field and satellite observations in an arid grassland ecosystem. Remote Sensing of Environment. 9, 1071
McCord S, Webb N, Van Zee J, Burnett S, Christensen EM, Courtright E, Laney C., Lunch C, Maxwell CJ, Karl JW et al..  2021.  Provoking a Cultural Shift in Data Quality. BioScience.
McCord S, Welty JL, Courtright J, Dillon C, Traynor A, Burnett S, Courtright E, Fults G., Karlgh JW, Van Zee J et al..  2021.  Ten practical questions to improve data quality. Rangelands. :1-12.