What calf crop for profit?

TitleWhat calf crop for profit?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1944
AuthorsAres F.N., Martin S.C.
JournalThe New Mexico Stockman
Pagination3, 5, 6
Date PublishedJune 1944
Keywordscalf crops, cattle industry, profits, quantity and quality
AbstractTwo visitors always welcomed by cattlemen are a good rain and a new born calf. Obviously, the occurrence of rain is beyond man's influence, but the number of curly-haired, wobbly-kneed calves that appear each spring is, to a considerable extent, within his control. During the early days of the cattle industry in the Southwest, when large numbers of cattle drifted at will on the open range, a 30 or 40 percent calf crop was considered fairly good. However, with the advent of barbed wire and more intensive ranching methods, including some reduced stocking, calf crops have steadily increased until an average of 75 percent or better for a locality is not uncommon and on some ranches even higher rates of increase are obtained. Like a manufacturing enterprise, the Southwestern cattle ranch, with its rangeland, saddle and work stock, improvements and equipment, and its carefully selected breeding herd represents a plant in which capital is invested to turn out a finished product--the calf. Whether the calf is turned into beef or is used for replacement, all the energies and efforts of the enterprise are dedicated to turning out the greatest possible number of high quality calves. For the ranch as well as the factory, the economic story is told by the quantity and quality of the product together with the cost of production and the price received. Profits on a cattle ranch are increased not so much by depending upon an increase in price of the product as by bettering the product quality, increasing the rate of production, and reducing costs.