Water-resources information available from New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources

TitleWater-resources information available from New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1980
AuthorsStone WJ
Date Published1980
InstitutionNew Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
CitySocorro, New Mexico
Call Number00327
Keywordsbook, books, chapter, chapters, report, reports, water resources
AbstractThe purpose of this pamphlet is to identify the water-resource information available so that it may be more readily located and used. Table 1 summarizes availability by area of interest. Fig. 1 shows areas covered by comprehensive water-resource reports. The kind of information included in these reports is categorized in table 2. Finally, reports that give only general water availability or very specialized water-resource information are listed in table 3.