Trucking vs. trailing cattle from ranch to railroad

TitleTrucking vs. trailing cattle from ranch to railroad
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1942
AuthorsAres F.N.
JournalThe Cattleman
Date Published1942
Keywordstrail herds, transporting cattle, trucking
AbstractTrucks are being used more and more to replace the trail herd on the Jornada Experimental Range. Not only are trucks used to haul market-bound cattle to the railroad but small loading chutes have been built at strategic points on the range where calves are separated from the cows and hauled in light trailers to a central point, usually the headquarters ranch. There they are assembled, worked, and weighed with the minimum of handling and are finally picked up in huge semitrailer trucks and hauled to the railroad50 to 60 head to the load, depending on the size of the animals. Trucking bids fair to become the accepted method of transporting cattle between points not served by railroads. Trailing cattle for distances over heavily grazed public driveways with water at irregular intervals and little feed available has exacted a heavy toll from the producers who are not located near shipping points.