Spatial distribution of litter and microarthropods in a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem

TitleSpatial distribution of litter and microarthropods in a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1978
AuthorsSantos PF, DePree E, Whitford WG
JournalJournal of Arid Environments
Date Published1978
Call Number00279
Keywordsacarina, SEE <MITE>, article, articles, collembola, also SEE <microarthropods>, journal, journals, litter, spatial distribution, litter,microarthropods, microarthropod, Collembola, microarthropod, litter, microarthropod, mites, microarthropod, spatial distribution, mite, spatial distribution, termite

Plant litter accumulated along the edges of small water courses where plants caused formation of eddy currents during heavy rains. Only small amounts of plant litter accumulated under shrubs on sloping erosional areas when compared to shrubs on flat areas. Microarthropod densities ranged from 146 .m-2 in unvegetated areas to 3103 .m-2 under shrubs in small water courses. Microarthropod density was directly correlated with amount of surface litter (r= 0.987). Prostigmatid mites of the family Nanorchestidae were found in all habitats and Prostigmatids were the most numerous Acarina in all but one area. Collembola were found only in unvegetated areas of a large wash.

URLfiles/bibliography/78-Journal of Arid Environments-Whitford.pdf