Site and cover effects on event runoff, Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico

TitleSite and cover effects on event runoff, Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsHawkins RH, Ward TJ
Conference NameAWRA Specialty Conference on Rangeland Management and Water Resources
Number of Volumes11 pages
Date PublishedMay 27-19, 19981
Conference LocationReno, NV
Accession NumberJRN00263
Call Number00702
Keywordsabstract, abstracts, conference, conference proceedings, conferences, hydrology, rainfall-runoff, precipitation, runoff, proceeding, proceedings

Event rainfall depth, runoff depth, and periodic cover density measurements were taken for a total of 21 plots (2mx2m) at 5 different locations on the National Science Foundation Jornada Long-Term Ecological Research Site in southern New Mexico. Runoff properties are characterized by plot, plot group, and site using Curve Number (CN) analysis. Results show differences within groups, between groups and with cover. Distinct trends of CN with cover are seen with the effects being most profound at the better sites (lower CN). However, a near-common value (CN~90) is projected for all brush sites under conditions of no cover. These findings affirm customary but seldom-demonstrated expectations, and indicate that the most hydrologic improvement per unit of cover would be on the better sites (lower CN), and the futility of vegetation management for hydrologic benefits on the harsher sites (high CN).
