Seasonal activity of tenebrionid beetles in New Mexico mesquite dunes

TitleSeasonal activity of tenebrionid beetles in New Mexico mesquite dunes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1982
AuthorsRichman D., Huddleston E.W., Ortiz M
JournalSouthwest National
Date Published1982
Call Number00603
Keywordsarticle, articles, beetle, tenebrionid, herbicide, "2,4,5-T", tenebrionid beetles, insect, tenebrionid beetles, journal, journals, mesquite dunes,tenebrionid beetles
AbstractNine species of tenebrionid beetles in four genera, Eleodes, Embaphion, Eusattus, and Glyptasida, were collected in pitfall traps throughout an annual cycle at two sites in a mesquite dune habitat on the Jornada Experimental Range (USDA) north of Las Cruces, New Mexico. These beetles were shown to have seasonal activity patterns which were similar at both sites and which differed significantly between most species.