Revegetating semidesert range lands in the Southwest

TitleRevegetating semidesert range lands in the Southwest
Publication TypeGovernment Report
Year of Publication1940
AuthorsCassady J.T., Glendening G.E.
PublisherU.S. Government Printing Office
Keywordsconservative grazing, deferred-rotation grazing, deterioration, government publication, range management, revegetation
AbstractIn Arizona, New Mexico, and southwestern Texas are several million acres of deteriorated semidesert range that are in need of revegetation. Parts of this area may be revegetated naturally through better range management practices alone, such as conservative grazing and deferred-rotation grazing. Other lands, deteriorated to various degrees and requiring various methods of restoration, require artificial reseeding and planting. It is the purpose of this pamphlet to outline the best methods developed to date for artificially revegetating such ranges but without any implication that artificial revegetation is to beconsidered a substitute for good range management. These methods are presented as aids in starting or hastening natural recovery processes on relatively small areas requiring special attention.