Relationship of weight of stocker calves and winter rations to pasture gains

TitleRelationship of weight of stocker calves and winter rations to pasture gains
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1959
AuthorsCline RC
Number of Pages36
Date Published1959
UniversityNew Mexico University
CityLas Cruces, New Mexico
Thesis TypeM.S. Thesispp
Call Number00485
Keywordscattle, management, cattle, nutrition, cattle, productivity, dissertation, dissertations, theses, thesis
AbstractThe feed-lot records of 125 weaning heifers and the summer pasture records of 89 of those heifers as yearlings were analyzed to determine the effects of initial weight, age of dam, weaning age and amount of total digestible nutrients in the winter ration on the rate of feed-lot gain, amount of feet required, cost of additional gain, the feed cost of the winter period and the effect on gain made on pasture the following summer. Age of dam and weaning age were not significantly related to feed-lot or summer gain. The regression of average daily summer gain on average daily winter gain was -0.588 pounds per day. The cost of the additional 100 pounds gain secured from adding grain to the winter ration was about $12.00. The heifers in Lot II were still heavier at the end of the summer grazing period, however, the difference between them and Lot I was reduced 6 pounds increasing the cost of the winter gain slightly. In general the calves wintered on the lighter ration gained faster the following summer than those wintered on a more liberal ration, however in year when the calves were lighter than usual the opposite was true.