Rangeland Field Data Techniques and Data Applications

TitleRangeland Field Data Techniques and Data Applications
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsSpaeth K., Peacock G., Herrick JE, Shaver P.L, Dayton R.
JournalJournal of Soil and Water Conservation
Date PublishedOctober 31, 2005
ARIS Log Number190950
Keywordsapplications, data, NRI, rangelands
AbstractThe National Resource Inventory (NRI) is a national-level inventory of the nation's non-federal land. This article summarizes the current status and uses of the NRI for rangelands. Following the analysis of a 1999 pilot study, the new rangeland NRI was implemented on 980 points in 15 states in 2003. In 2004, it was expanded to an additional 2,369 points. Plant cover, production and structure are measured, as well as the aggregate stability of the soil surface. Current land use and invasive species are also included in the database. The data will be combined with future data to generate a report card of the status of the nation's rangelands. Some of the data are also being used to assist with the development of ecological site descriptions.