One Seed Juniper Intake by Sheep and Goats Supplemented with Degradable or By-Pass Protein

TitleOne Seed Juniper Intake by Sheep and Goats Supplemented with Degradable or By-Pass Protein
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsUtsumi S.A, Cibils AF, Estell RE, Soto-Navarro S., Ross T.T., Ivey S., Giacomini M., Petersen M.K., Cox S.H., Rubio M.
Conference NameNew Mexico Section Range Science Winter Meetings
Date PublishedJanuary 12-13, 2
Conference LocationLas Cruces, NM
ARIS Log Number191939
Keywordsgoats, juniper, protein, sheep
AbstractRe-invasion of one seed juniper previously cleared woodlands is a concern of range managers throughout the southwestern United States. Prescribed browsing with sheep and goats could be used as a juniper control method. Success with this tool may depend on improving the herbivore’s ability to detoxify plant terpenoids in order to induce levels of herbivory that are likely to suppress juniper growth and recruitment. Our objective was to test the effect of two kinds of protein supplementation on juniper consumption by sheep and goats. One seed juniper intake was compared in sheep and goats fed diets varying in amount and quality of crude protein during three seasons (summer, fall, and winter). Goats consumed significantly more juniper than ewes and protein supplements more than doubled juniper intake by both sheep and goats. Goats aggressively defoliated juniper branches, while sheep consumed leaves in a more selective manner. In summary, sheep and goats have potential for use to suppress juniper sapling encroachment. Goats consumed more juniper and protein supplements had a stronger influence on juniper intake of goats.