Movements during colony founding by queens of the honeypot ant (Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler)

TitleMovements during colony founding by queens of the honeypot ant (Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsSchooley RL, Bestelmeyer BT
JournalAmerican Midland Naturalist
Date Published2000
Accession NumberJRN00306
Call Number00795
Keywordsant community, grazing effects, ant, biodiversity, ant, honeypot, ant, Myrmecocystus mimicus, ants, habitat selection, article, articles, grazing, ant communities, habitat preference, ants, journal, journals

Habitat selection by ant queens has been little studied even though it may be a critical component of colony founding. We describe the movement pathways of honey ant queens (Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler) searching for sites on the ground to initiate nests. Typical paths may include segments of directional movement that are interrupted by segments of area-restricted search. Mechanisms producing area-restricted search might include variable step lengths and looping behavior. Cues that prompt the switch to local search remain undetected.

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