Monthly variation in carotene content of two important range grasses, Sporobolus flexuosus and Bouteloua eriopoda

TitleMonthly variation in carotene content of two important range grasses, Sporobolus flexuosus and Bouteloua eriopoda
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1939
AuthorsWatkins W.E
JournalJournal of Agricultural Research
Date Published1939
Call Number00584
Keywordsarticle, articles, biochemistry,Bouteloua, biochemistry,Sporobolus, Bouteloua,carotene, grass,nutrients, grass,Sporobolus, journal, journals, Sporobolus,carotene

The monthly carotene content of two important southern New Mexico range grasses, black grama and mesa dropseed, has been presented. Both grasses are moderately high in carotene during the growing season. The mesa dropseed loses all of its carotene soon after the fall freezes end the growing season. The black grama grass, whose upright stems remain green for a distance of from 4 to 6 inches of their base throughout the winter, contain an amount of carotene that seems to be ample to satisfy the vitamin A requirements of range cattle.
