The microscopic identification of vertically transferred symbiotic fungi intrinsically integrated with cells, tissues, and organs of host plants

TitleThe microscopic identification of vertically transferred symbiotic fungi intrinsically integrated with cells, tissues, and organs of host plants
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsAaltonen R.E., Barrow J.R., Lucero M.E., Osuna-Avila P., Reyes-Vera I.
Conference NameMycological Society of America and Japan
Date PublishedJuly 30-August 5
Conference LocationHilo, Hawaii
ARIS Log Number179223
Keywordsmicroscopic identification, symbiotic fungi, vertically transferred
AbstractDual-staining methodology and analysis with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine the nature and extent of symbiotic fungi with native desert grasses shrubs. Trypan blue, which targets fungal chitin, and Sudan IV, which targets lipid bodies attached to fungal structures, were used to stain cleared roots and leaves. Trypan blue revealed a densely stained fungal network bound to the plasmalema of meristematic cells that were transferred to cells in culture, tissues, and all plant organs. Fungal structures were atypical and were substantially different than commonly observed fungal structures, such as hyphae, spores, etc. Fungal associations with meristems cells facilitate their distribution and vertical transfer to all parts of the plant, seed, and succeeding generations. Significant are fungal associations with vascular tissue, photosynthetic cells, and the stomatal complex and suggests significant plant-fungus interactions within these critical plant cells.