Loss of phenolic compounds from leaf litter of creosotebush [Larrea tridentata (Sess. & Moc. ex DC.) Cov] and tarbush (Flourensia cernua DC.)

TitleLoss of phenolic compounds from leaf litter of creosotebush [Larrea tridentata (Sess. & Moc. ex DC.) Cov] and tarbush (Flourensia cernua DC.)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsHyder P.W., Fredrickson E.L., Estell RE, Lucero M.E., Remmenga M.D.
JournalJournal of Arid Environments
Date PublishedApril 1, 2005
ARIS Log Number164820
Keywordscreosotebush, Flourensia cernua DC., Larrea tridentata, leaf litter, loss, organic matter, phenolics, tarbush
AbstractWe examined loss of organic matter and phenolics from leaf litter of two shrubs that are invasive in the Chihuahuan Desert. Fiberglass bags (1-mm mesh) containing creosotebush [The objective of this paper is to provide insights into exotic and native invasive species dynamics using a conceptual model developed from the long history of research on native woody plant invasion into perennial grasslands. We first describe our new conceptual model that focuses on landscape characteristics (spatial configuration and connectivity) interacting with environmental drivers and biotic processes across multiple scales. We then provide support for the model using a long-term dataset from southern New Mexico. Finally, we discuss new insights this model has to offer for understanding, predicting, and managing exotic invasive species dynamics. (Sess. & Moc. ex DC.) Cov.] or tarbush (Flourensia cernua DC.) leaf litter were placed below shrubs in two positions (soil surface and 5 cm belowground) and removed at several intervals up to 90 days during winter (creosotebush and tarbush) and spring (creosotebush). Over the 90-day sampling interval, organic matter loss from creosotebush and tarbush during the winter sampling period was low for both surface and buried litter, ranging from 1.7-5.2%. Losses of organic matter from creosotebush litter during the spring were much greater (75.1 and 33.5% for buried and surface samples, respectively). Total phenolic losses after 90 days were 1.6, 4.8, 21.6, 13.5, 87.1, and 43.5% for winter buried creosotebush, winter surface creosotebush, winter buried tarbush, winter surface tarbush, spring buried creosotebush, and spring surface creosotebush litter, respectively, while losses of condensed tannins for the same samples were 45.8, 56.1, -34.0, -41.8, 91.1, and 67.4%. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid loss from creosotebush litter was 25.4, 18.3, 95.2, and 66.7% for winter buried, winter surface, spring buried, and spring surface samples, respectively, over the 90-day interval. Losses of organic matter and phenolics were generally greater in buried vs. surface and spring vs. winter samples, and losses typically occurred during the last 30-45 days. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B6WH9-4DGW3YW-3-C&_cdi=6845&_user=1496926&_orig=browse&_coverDate=04%2F01%2F2005&_sk=999389998&view=c&wchp=dGLbVlb-zSkzV&md5=f5a61c1ff74b379cac3f662abc4550b3&ie=/sdarticle.pdf