JORNEX: A remote sensing campaign to quantify rangeland vegetation patterns and change

TitleJORNEX: A remote sensing campaign to quantify rangeland vegetation patterns and change
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsRitchie J, Rango A., Kustas WP, Schmugge T.J, Havstad K
Conference NameEcological Society of America Bulletin
Date Published1997
Accession NumberJRN00243
AbstractThe Jornada Experimental Range, the site of a long-term ecological research program in southern New Mexico, provides a unique opportunity to integrate information about vegetation response to changes in hydrologic states and atmospheric driving forces. In coordination with long-term ground measurements, remotely sensed data are being collected from ground, airborne, and satellite platforms to provide spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation and surface energy balance estimates from a combination of parameters and state variables derived from remotely sensed data. Intensive three-day study periods for ground and airborne campaigns have been made in May 1995/1996, September 1995/1996, and February 1996. The airborne platform collects thermal, multispectral, 3-band video, and laser altimetry profile data. Bowen ratio-energy balance stations were established in shrub and grass communities in May 1995 and are collecting data continuously. Ground-based measurements include thermal and multispectral measurements, LAI, and other vegetation data. Ground, aircraft, and satellite measurements are being used to determine the effect of scale on measurements. Fractal parameters of the laser altimetry data for grass, transition, and shrub landscapes show that the fractal dimension is subject to seasonal changes but can be used to distinguish between these landscapes.