Insights from Long-Term Ecological Research: free EcoTrends books available

TitleInsights from Long-Term Ecological Research: free EcoTrends books available
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsPeters DC
Date Published10/2018
Conference LocationPacfic Grove, California
ARIS Log Number357567

EcoTrends is a project to synthesize long-term data to examine trends in the Earth’s ecosystems. Participants in the data synthesis included scientists and information managers from 50 sites, including 25 LTER sites. The large and diverse collection of long-term ecological datasets can be found through the EcoTrends website ( or through our book (Peters et al. 2013), Our Changing World: Insights from Long-Term Ecological Research. This book is an excellent compendium of long-term ecological data and trends from long-term research sites.  We have a small number of complimentary copies of our book available, and interested persons may sign up to have a free copy shipped to them.