How desertification affects nitrogen limitation of primary production of Chihuahuan Desert watersheds

TitleHow desertification affects nitrogen limitation of primary production of Chihuahuan Desert watersheds
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsWhitford WG, Reynolds J.F, Cunningham GL
EditorAldon EF, Vicente CEGonzale, Moir WH(eds.)
Conference NameProceedings of the Symposium on Strategies for Classification and Management of Native Vegetation for Food Production in Arid Zones
VolumeGeneral Technical Report RM-150
Date PublishedOctoer 12-16, 19
PublisherUSDA Forest Service
Conference LocationTucson, Arizona
Accession NumberJRN00055
Call Number00400
Keywordsabstract, abstracts, conference, conference proceedings, conferences, desertification,primary production, model, desertification, model,primary production, nitrogen,primary production, primary production,nitrogen, proceeding, proceedings
AbstractIt is hypothesized that the shift from perennial clump grasses to shrub dominated ecosystems in the Chihuahuan Desert has resulted in a change from predominantly water limited ecosystems to nitrogen-water limited ecosystems. In shrublands nitrogen and water are concentrated in patches under individual shrubs. This patchiness affects the temporal linkage between water inputs and nitrogen availability. Nitrogen and water availability are also affected by redistribution of organic matter by wind, water and animals. Shifts from grassland to shrubland results in increased temporal and spatial variability of these essential resources for plant production. Models for predicting primary productivity on desert landscapes must include linkage between mechanistic nitrogen models and broad spatial scale organic matter transport and accumulation models.
Custom 1Fort Collins, Colorado